Bucky - Burn

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You sat alone in your cold cell.
You had a tight uncomfortable suit around your chest and thighs, thankfully it wasn't long sleeved otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable.
The cell was freezing cold, contently blowing in some kind of mist.
It was expected, after all you were deadly and dangerous.
If anything touched your skin it would burn them, cause very serious burns.
You couldn't even wear normal clothes, that's why Hydra made you wear this one suit all the time.
And why they made you burn people alive just by touching them.
You usually had a nasal cannula inserted into your nose, the air pouring into your nose would help keep your temperature stable.
Unless you would destroy a lot of Hydra's expensive technology.
Surprisingly Hydra took care of you, maybe only because you obeyed them and you were a useful weapon.
You waited alone in your cell, it was a lot more state of the art then the ones the Hydra soldiers stayed in.

"Hello, dear." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Dr. Ray, making you smile.
He was your favourite, but you didn't dare tell anyone else.

"I need to do a few tests today, sweetheart. Do you think you're up for it?" He asked placing his gloves on and a breathing mask over his face before stepping into your cell.

"Can you do my hair?" You asked making him chuckle and smile at the innocence you still had left.

"Of course I can, let's get you to the lab." He said helping you stand up.
You followed closely behind him down the halls of Hydra until you reached the lab.
They didn't even need to handcuff you anymore, they knew you wouldn't disobey them.
When you reached the lab you sat down where you usually would on a metal table and waited for Ray.

"Now, a very important decision. Pigtails of braids?" He asked bringing out a small collection of hair ties.

"Pig tails please!" You replied making him chuckle.
He came around to the other side of the table and began brushing his fingers through your hair.
You sat still for him until he was done.

"There we go, all done. There's not too much to do today, sweetie. Just a few samples." He said as you nodded and held your arm out making him smile.
You were definitely his favourite patient, a lot more obedient then his other ones.
He began drawing blood, making sure to keep you distracted with talking.
Once you were done he placed a pink bandaid over your arm.

"Would you like to come have some lunch with me?" He asked as you nodded and jumped off the table and followed him out.

"Y/N, Ray there you are. Just the wonderful girl I was looking for." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see one of the Hydra directors.

"Sir." You both greeted him making him smile.

"I need to borrow Y/N for the afternoon." He said as you suddenly felt nervous.

"Of course, sir. Follow Pierce, okay? I'll see you later." Ray said as you nodded and watched him leave.
Pierce made sure to keep a safe distance from you as you walked down the halls.

"May I know what I need to do?" You asked politely while walking beside him.

"Well, we've captured a very important man. I don't need you to kill him, I need you to torture him for information." He said as you nodded and nervously played with your hands.
You finally made it to the torture rooms and looked in to see a man tied to a chair.

"Now, you're a bit young to remember this face, Y/N. But you're in the presence of a very power ex weapon of Hydra's." He said as the long haired man looked up at you, his face covered in blood.

"The Winter Soldier, Ray mentioned him once." You said making Pierce smile.

"Very good, dear." He praised as you stepped forward.
The soldier took in ever detail of your face as you looked down at him.
Pierce stood behind you while two guards were in front of you, ready to sedate the soldier if he got out of hand.

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