Sam/Bucky - Death

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(random small one I couldn't finish)
Why did it feel so good?
A sword plunging into my body shouldn't be a good thing, but I knew I would get to escape for if only a few seconds.
My back hit the cold, damp grass as I felt the sword being pulled out of me.
I smiled a little as I felt cold rain on my cheeks.
Death was like a nap after a long day, my body would slowly die and I would finally feel a small bit of peace.
Before I woke up again, hopefully not being cremated or buried.


I finally felt movement in my body again, I groaned and slowly sat up.
Seeing I was in the same place I had 'died.'
Judging by the sun rising it had only been a few hours.
I groaned and rubbed my face as I watched the sun rise.
After about an hour, I finally stood up on my weak legs before walking.
It would take a while to get back to the city, but it didn't matter.
I made it to the closest town, it was just a shitty farming town but hopefully they had a bus that could get me somewhere.
I sat at the bus stop sighed, hopefully I wouldn't get the cops called on my this time.
I did look like a zombie after all.

"Barnes, if you complain one more time, I will throw you out in front of a car." I heard a voice say as I looked up to see two men approaching the bus bench.

"Shit!" One of the men shouted as I looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked asked as I chuckled a little.

"I'm peachy." I replied as they looked at me in shock.

"I'm aware I look half dead. I'm just trying to get back to New York" I muttered as they nodded.

"Well, we're trying to get back there too. We've got a jet coming to pick us up, maybe we could give you a lift?" The brunette suggested as I looked at him in shock.
I wasn't exactly used to people helping me.

"I look like a zombie and you're willing to help me? And also why would you have a... Wait." I muttered as I studied them both.

"Yes, I'm the winter soldier and yes he's falcon." Bucky said as I chuckled.

"I was actually just going to ask if you were gay." I replied making them chuckle.

"So, is that a yes?" Sam asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, sure beats the bus for three days."


I sat on the jet, trying my best to not fall asleep.

"Maybe you should explain to us what you were doing there." Sam said as they both sat across from me.

"I was hunting someone, trying to get something from them that they stole. But they killed me." I grumbled as they looked at each other in confusion.

"So, you're a ghost?" Bucky asked making me chuckle softly.

"No, I'm alive now. I can't die, I'm immortal or whatever. We I can die, I just come back to life a few hours later." I muttered, rubbing my neck in pain.

"Woah, okay that's a lot to take on." Bucky muttered as Sam stared at him.

"What is she? She's gotta be one of the big three." Sam said as Bucky groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Is a demon apart of the big three?" I asked as Sam looked at me.

"Dammit!" He cursed, making me laugh again.

"So, now it's the big four?"

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