Bucky - So much has changed

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(Loosely based on Endgame but very different so don't be like ohhh this didnt happen)
(Time to cry again!)

They had done it, they had finally defeated Thanos and gotten everyone back.
After fighting for so long Bucky saw Nat and Sam and ran up to him hugging them tightly.

"Where's Steve and Y/N?" He asked as they looked at him sadly.

"A lot has changed Buck." Sam whispered, Bucky looked at them worriedly.

"T-They died didn't they?" Bucky replied with wide eyes.

"Steve, well it's complicated. But he's gone. A-And Y/N, is safe back at the compound." Nat said as Bucky looked at them in confusion.

"S-So, Steve's gone. But Y/N, she's okay?" Bucky asked as they nodded.

"Well, she's safe. But...different." Sam replied only make Bucky even more confused.

"Let's just get everyone home okay?"


It had been a long road to get everyone back to the compound. Everyone was exhausted. They had lost a lot, Clint, Tony and Steve, they were all gone. But they were glad they had won and gotten most of the universe back to normal after five years.
Nat and Sam made it to the Avengers compound, the rest of the team already there.
Bucky entered to see Bruce as his eyes widened.

"What the hell?" He muttered, Bruce did look a little...different.

"Welcome back Bucky!" He said as Bucky chuckled awkwardly then moved on.

"So, can I see Y/N?" He asked as Sam and Nat looked at each other.

"Y-Yeah, come with me." Nat said as Sam left them both, it was too hard for Sam to see you these days.
Bucky followed Nat up the stairs where they were met with a hallway full of doors.

"This place is pretty nice compared to the tower." Bucky commented as he looked around.

"Yeah, well Tony and I would usually work on it when we got bored grieving." Nat joked laughing a little, but there was pain behind her voice.

"Why didn't Y/N come down and see us? Isn't she excited I'm back?" Bucky asked, still confused. Nat looked at him but didn't say anything as she opened one of the doors.
Bucky saw you in the pinkish room in the middle with a colouring book.

"Y/N?" Bucky asked walking in to where you could see him, but you wouldn't look up. He knelt down to you.

"Y/N, doll. I'm back, aren't you happy to see me?" He asked looking at you, but you didn't respond.

"Nat...what happened?" Bucky whispered looking up to Nat as you continued to colour.

"Y/N, do you want to come down and have something to eat?" Nat asked as you stopped and looked behind you at her, it was like Bucky was invisible to you. You nodded a little and closed the book before standing up.
You shuffled over to Nat and kept your head down as you stood in front of her.
She smiled and took your hand gently leading you out of the room, Bucky followed behind you. He couldn't find any of the right words.

"Nat. What the hell is going on?" He said stopping in front of you both, you looked away from him and squeezed Nat's hand.

"I-I don't understand what's happening here. Y/N." He whispered reaching towards you but you backed away from him.

"Buck, Y/N isn't in there anymore." Nat whispered looking at him sadly.

"W-What do you mean?" He asked in disbelief.

"Let's go get some food, and I'll explain everything." Nat said as Bucky nodded and let you both walk back downstairs where most of the team was.
They were with Pepper trying to plan a funeral for the three they had lost.

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