Winter Soldier - Seeing Double

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From the moment he set eyes on you, he'd known you would be his forever.
The guards threw you in and he looked down at you and instantly claimed every sense of your being in his mind.
You were nothing, just a terrible little rabbit crying on the floor begging for a master to claim you and protect you.
You looked up to the big bad wolf and shivered seeing his dark eyes and scarred face.
He didn't mutter a word, just continued to look down at you with hunger in his eyes.

"Please don't hurt me." You begged in nothing but a whisper as he continued to state at you. He got onto his knees and looked into your dirty and fear filled face.
He reached up and ran his index finger down your cold cheek, revieling in the comfort he saw in your eyes.

"Don't be afraid, bunny." He whispered as you nodded slowly, he could see you were still cautious but he could also see relief in your eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you." You whispered and the wolf did something he hadn't done since the moment he stepped place in Hydra, he smiled.
It was small and bearly noticeable, but it was there.

"Good, because as long as you're by my side you'll be safe. You're mine now. Do you understand?" He asked gently as you nodded and kept your eyes on his bold ones.
And from that moment on you'd become his and only his, maybe Hydra had a delusion in their minds that you belonged to them, but you were the soldiers.


A long time passed since you'd first met the soldier, who you now knew was Bucky.
He had gotten you far away from Hydra, but he knew you would both need to go into hiding.
On a small island off the coast of Europe, Bucky bought a house and began to make it his own.
You weren't allowed out of the house, unless it was absolutely necessary.
The soldier had become obsessed with the idea of you being his perfect housewife he could come home to everyday.
But maybe you didn't mind it, you liked having something to do and having a purpose.
Seeing the soldier come home everyday and praise you for everything you did.
You'd always searched for something like that.
You didn't have a choice either way, so you might as well enjoy it.
You were baking muffins in the kitchen when you heard the door unlock and saw Bucky entering.

"Welcome home." You said making him smile.
He came up and wrapped his arms around you from behind as you laughed softly.

"What are you making, doll?" He asked as you turned around to kiss him softly.

"Just some muffins. Did you have a good day?" You asked looking up at him as he smiled.
He pulled away and reached into his pocket pulling out a silver bracelet.

"I couldn't come home empty handed." He said making you smile.
You placed your wrist in front of him and he placed the bracelet on.
Something you had since you were born was the 'gift' to see visions when you touched certain objects.
It was more of a curse.
You'd learnt to keep a straight face whenever visions would flash through your mind.
When he placed the bracelet on you witnessed just how he had gotten the bracelet. He killed some innocent person and ripped it off their corpse.
At least he cleaned off the blood.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." You whispered making him smile and kiss your forehead.

"What did you do today?" He asked moving away from you.

"Just busied myself around the house. Did you have a good day?" You asked turning to see him undressing.

"Of course I did, love." He said making you smile.

"Maybe we could go out for a walk this afternoon or in the morning." You muttered keeping your head down low to show submission.
He stopped his movements and looked at you.

"Why do you want to go out all of a sudden?" He asked as you tried your best to keep your breathing steady.

"I just feel a bit cooped up." You muttered as he walked up to you and lifted your face up to meet his.

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