Bucky - Werewolf

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You were heading home from your part-time job, it was dark and living in this world you knew you had to be careful, not just because of men but because of the supernatural creatures that lived among humans.
You threw your hood over your head before you heard a loud yelp and cry.
You paused for a moment, your breath hitching in your throat. It could be a helpless puppy or a werewolf.
But either way, it was a living creature. You groaned and trudged into the woods behind the path you'd been walking on.
It was beginning to rain and you cursed out the sky as you went in further.
You followed the crying and whimpering that you heard before you were met with a large black and white wolf with its tail caught under a rock.
The creature saw you and cried out to you as you secured your backpack onto your back and slowly approached him.

"Easy there, if you don't bite my hand off will you let me help you?" You asked holding your hand out cautiously as he nodded and whimpered.
You came forward to the rock to examine it.

"Alright, this might hurt." You muttered before using all of your strength to push the rock away from his tail.
You successfully removed it and fell back groaning softly.
He quickly ran up to you and licked your face.

"Alright, it's okay. You're free, go." You said before he sat and stared at you.
He whined again and gave you what you could only assume was an attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll help you. I have some things at my apartment that can help." You said standing up and brushing yourself off as he stood up and ran forward.
You groaned and followed him back to the path you were on where he was waiting for you.
He looked so excited. You walked beside him making your way back to your apartment.
You did feel a little safer with a giant werewolf walking beside you. You finally made it back to your apartment complex and walked up to the top floor (which was only three floors up) and opened the door for the wolf.
He immediately ran inside and began sniffing everything he could, you locked your door behind you and stepped inside your apartment.

"I just need to get the medical supplies." You let him know by going into the bathroom where he quickly followed you.

"You're very clingy." You chuckled softly as he nuzzled into your hip.
You led him out to the living room and sat down on the floor.

"Here, sit with your back to me so I can see your tail." You said as he obeyed immediately.

"You're very obedient." You muttered about to go grab his tail but he began to wag his tail at the praise.
You chuckled softly and gently held onto his tail.

"Stay still, pup." You said inspecting his tail.
It was pretty bruised and battered but nothing too serious, you grabbed out some antiseptic.

"This will hurt a bit." You warned him before dabbing the liquid onto his wound, you noticed he barely even flinched.
After you had made sure it was clean you wrapped it in gauze.

"Alright, I'm all done. I need to have a bath, especially after falling in the forest." You muttered standing up as he went to follow you again.

"No, pup. You stay here." You said as he pouted and whined softly as if to say 'but what if I die while you're in there?'

"Fine, but when you turn back to your human form don't mention it." You said as he wagged his tail again.
You went into the bathroom and began to fill up the tub as you groaned and rubbed your neck.
Once the bath had filled up enough you put in some bath salts before stripping off your wet clothes and stepping in.
You noticed the wolf looked away while you undressed. At least you knew the man under the wolf was a gentleman in some way or another.
When you were in the tub he laid on the floor, you realised he didn't want to see you naked he just wanted to be near you.
You sighed and let your body relax in the tub.
You finally finished and dried off before going to your room and getting changed.

"Do you want to leave now?" You asked the wolf as he sat and stared at you, you took that as a no.

"Alright, but you can't sleep in my room. You're filthy." You said as he pouted once more.

"I'll set up a bed outside my door, okay?" You bargained with him as he nodded.
You grabbed as many blankets and pillows as you could and set up a makeshift bed outside of your door before yawning and collapsing onto your bed.
You cuddled into the sheets and switched off the light.

"Goodnight, pup."

You woke up in the morning feeling a warm body against your back and an arm around your waist. You took a moment to process and then when you did you screamed and backed away.
The stranger woke up and looked down at you.

"No, it's okay! It's me, the wolf." He said as you looked at him in shock.
Seeing him in human form was definitely something. He was quite handsome too.
Just then you realised he was naked.

"Do you want some clothes?" You asked as he nodded making you chuckle.
You grabbed out some oversized hoodies and tracksuit pants and gave them to him before he got changed in front of you making you shield your eyes.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." You muttered before looking back at him when he was dressed.
He suddenly lunged forward and wrapped his arms around you making you yelp in surprise.

"I'm Bucky and you're my owner now." He said as your eyes widened and you pushed him off you.

"I'm your what now!?" You said as he pouted when you shouted.

"You saved me and took care of me so I want you to own me." He replied casually as you looked at him in shock.

"B-But humans owning werewolves is usually like a slavery thing, I didn't think werewolves wanted to be owned." You commented as he wrapped his arms around you again and nuzzled into your neck.

"When we find a human we like we can make them our owners and I want you." He said as you stood frozen still while he showered you in affection.
Maybe it wouldn't be entirely bad to have a werewolf around, after all this was a bit of a rough neighbourhood and you also had some crazy exes.

"I'll think it over today, but I have to get to work." You said but he wouldn't let you go.

"I don't want you to go." He muttered as you managed to wrestle yourself out of his grip.

"I know, but I need to earn money so I can eat and live in an apartment." You said as he pouted again but nodded.

"You can just stay here today if you want, my shift is only four hours. I know you'll survive, there's food in the kitchen you can eat anything." You said rushing around to grab some food and your uniform.

"What if you get into trouble and I'm not there." He said as you smiled at him.

"I've survived this long, after last night you still need to rest." You said as he pouted but nodded.
After you'd gotten changed and bid the werewolf goodbye you made your way to work, trying to process everything that was happening.

Your shift was finally over and you groaned walking outside to see Bucky waiting for you in his human form.
He ran up and hugged you tightly as you groaned again.

"I missed you so much." He said as you sighed and chuckled softly.

"I missed you too, pup. Come on, let's get home." You said grabbing his hand and pulling him along.
He asked you every single tiny detail about your day and then moved on to asking questions about your life.
By the time you reached your apartment, you were exhausted.

"I think I need a nap." You muttered beginning to strip off your sweaty uniform.

"I'm just going to have a shower and then take a nap." You said as he nodded, you took a shower and came out to get changed to see Bucky had piled blankets up onto your bed creating what looked like a nest.
You smiled softly and saw him perk up when his eyes met you.

"I made sure it was perfect for you to nap!" He said making you chuckle.

"Thanks, Bucky." You said before collapsing onto the bed and cuddling into the blankets.
Bucky lay beside you, nuzzling himself into your chest and wrapping his arm around your waist.
Maybe having this werewolf around would turn out to be a good thing.

"Sleep well, Buck." You whispered running your hand through his hair.

"Goodnight, Y/N"

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