Stucky - Us two and you

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(Trigger warning, abuse, manipulation, mind control, non consensual stuff and sexual references. Bucky is the villain I'm sorry loves. So Steve and Bucky share a body, like that Mr. Hyde dude kinda and they switch out with each other and can change what they look like. Oh and they own you)

You woke up in Steve's arms inside his giant luxurious room, inside his even bigger mansion. Well, it was Bucky's mainly.
Steve began to stir as you looked up at him and smiled. He opened his eyes to see you and returned your smile.

"Morning doll. Did you sleep well?" He asked as you nodded, he kissed your forehead gently and hugged you tightly.

"Do you want me to help you take care of your wounds?" He asked running a finger over your cheek as you nodded.

"Yes please." You whispered before his smile fell and he groaned. You knew exactly what was happening.
Bucky appeared in the body as you looked up a t him. He groaned and shoved you away from him.

"I-I'm sorry sir, S-Steve was just helping me." You muttered quickly standing up.

"I don't give a shit, go down and make breakfast." He growled beginning to get changed as you nodded.

"Of course." You muttered grabbing your coat and running downstairs to get started on breakfast.
Whenever Bucky came out you always missed Steve so much.
You began to make some eggs, bacon and coffee for Bucky as your mind wandered to Steve. His kind smile, his laugh and how gentle he was with you. It was crazy to think him and Bucky shared a body when they were so different.
Bucky finally made it downstairs and you had breakfast ready for him on the table. Your mind wandered as you watched Bucky sit down, there wasn't much before this life. All you remember is Steve and Bucky and this house, you didn't know who you were. Just that your name was Y/N and you belonged to Bucky.

"Y/N!" You heard him shout as you snapped out of your trance.

"Did you listen to a word I said?" He growled as you paled and shook your head.

"N-No sorry, I-I was lost in thought. What did you need?" You asked as he glared at you.

"I said make more coffee." He repeated as you nodded and quickly made another pot of coffee for him. You poured it into his cup and then waited for another instruction.

"What did you and Steve do last night?" He asked as you looked at him in shock, he barely ever talked to you about Steve.

"U-Um after you left he helped me stitch up my wounds and then we just watched a movie until we fell asleep." You said as he nodded and continued to eat, why was he all of a sudden interested in you and Steve?

"I need to go out of town tonight, I have some business to attend to. Just make yourself busy around the house until I get back." Bucky said as you nodded and smiled.

"Of course." You replied before going back into the kitchen and cleaning up.


The day went by in a blur, you kept busy just cleaning and doing things around the house. Steve hadn't been around at all during the day, Bucky was getting ready for his 'business' tonight.

"Good luck sir." You said as he nodded and headed out the door. You had done a lot of cleaning today so you decided to go to sleep for the moment.
You headed up to Bucky's room and cuddled into the warm sheets.


After five hours you woke up panting and covered in sweat as you tried to get your breath back, you had had a nightmare. You felt so afraid and angry, angry at the world, angry at Bucky. You screamed and began to lose control as you grabbed things around the room and threw them at the wall.
You kept screaming as you tore the sheets off the bed, you sobbed before punching a hole in the wall.
You fell to your knees and sobbed into your hands. Suddenly the door opened and Steve gasped to see the room in disarray and you on the floor sobbing.

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