Pietro - Christmas

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"Isn't ice skating a bit cheesy?" Pietro said as you walked down the cold streets of New York City.

"It's cheesy as fuck, but I think we both deserve some cheesy Christmas festivities. We both grew up without a Christmas." You said with your hand intertwined with his.

"That's very true, so we'll ice skate, drink hot coco, kiss under a tree or some shit and then go home and watch one of those American Christmas movies Peter always talks about." He said making you chuckle.

"The movie is the worst part of it. American Christmas movies are a whole new level of cheesy." You replied as you finally came to the Rockefeller centre.
You ran towards the rink with excitement, making Pietro chuckle softly.

You helped each other get your skates on before heading onto the ice.

"I've only ever done this once when I was five, Pietro. So if I fall, please make sure you laugh." You said as you gripped his hand tightly.

"Oh don't worry, love. I'll be sure to laugh." He said before he tripped and fell over making you laugh.

"Yes! I wasn't the first one!" You shouted pointing at him.

"Okay, fine. I deserve that." He said as you helped him stand up.
You were both very unsteady to say the least.
You both clung onto each other as you tried your best to skate, you were laughing your asses off.
You'd fallen over more then Pietro by this point.
By the time you were finished you were both covered in bruises.
You stumbled your way to a Starbucks across the street and grabbed a hot chocolate each.
You sat down and sighed.

"We're both bruised but it's worth it." You said sipping on your hot chocolate.

"I can definitely say you make Christmas a whole lot better." He said leaning over to kiss you softly as you chuckled.

"I had an amazing time, love." You whispered making him smile.

"Let's make this our cheesy tradition every year, okay?" Pietro said making you chuckle.

"It's a deal."

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