Bucky - Illness

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Being cooped up in a mansion wasn't all fun and games.
But I suppose other people had it much worse.
My husband provided me with the best doctors and cooks that I needed. He was on business trips a lot, I was very ill and he would make sure I was taken care of by the best people.
Today the doctor said I was well enough to go for a stroll, I was beyond happy. I slowly made my way downstairs and outside closing my eyes as the sun shone on my face, the warmth making me smile.
I opened my eyes once more to see a man chopping up wood.

"Hello." I said walking forward as he looked up and wiped his forehead.

"My lady." He said bowing a little and making me chuckle.

"You don't need to be so formal when my husband isn't around, don't worry I won't fire you." I joked making him smile.

"How rude of me, my name is James." He said as I smiled.

"It's lovely to meet you. I'm Y/N, as you would know. Did my husband recently hire you?" I inquired as he put his axe down.

"He did, I've only been working for a week. The maids told me you were ill, you look bright today." He said making me smile softly.

"Well, the doctor cleared me for a stroll around the gardens so I'm very excited. Would you care to join me?" I asked as he looked at me in shock.

"I know it's an odd request I know, I just get rather lonely. The only people I talk to are doctors and maids." I admitted seeing a small smile on his face.

"I'd be happy to accompany you." He said wiping his hands on his shirt and walking forward.
We began down the path towards the gardens as I breathed in the fresh air.

"Forgive me if I'm being rude, but may I ask what you're ill with?" James said making me turn to him and smile.

"Well, the doctors don't know. They're baffled by my condition." I explained as he nodded in response.

"It must get quite boring being in bed most days." He commented making me chuckle softly.

"It does, most definitely. I've tried to keep myself busy by writing. Although it's hard to find inspiration when all I see is my bedroom." I replied smiling a little as we continued.
James must have seen that I was beginning to struggle so he hooked his arm under mine to support me.

"Thank you, James." I replied making him smile in return.

"Please, my friends call me Bucky." He replied making me smile softly, I hadn't felt this at ease in a long time.
The doctors and nurses were nice but I was always just their patient.
It had been a long time since I had a friend.

"Well, then Bucky, it's lovely to meet you." I replied as we continued into the gardens.
I unlinked my arms and walked over to the fountains to sit down.

"So, Bucky. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself." I requested as he sat beside me on the fountain.

"Not too much to tell, born into a farming family, went off to war, came back and realised I needed a job. So, I started travelling around to find jobs, then I found my way here and your husband graciously offered me a job and somewhere to live." He said while I smiled and listened to him.

"Is your family still alive?" I questioned as he smiled fondly.

"Yeah, they're still going well. I get letters here and there, mainly from my sister. How about you, other than your husband, do you have a family?" He asked as my smile faded slowly.

"I just had my father, but when he died I couldn't take over his money. It went to my uncle and I needed to find a husband, that's when I met my further husband, got married and got sick. It might be selfish to say but I'm glad I'm here being treated here and not somewhere on the streets." I replied watching Bucky listen.

"Pardon me if I'm being rude but do you plan on having a family of your own?" Bucky asked as I looked back at him.

"No, I've never been one to want a family with children. My body can't have children and my husband never wanted children so it was the perfect fit." I replied before I heard a noise and looked up to see the doctor.

"Y/N, I've been looking for you everywhere. You have to get back inside." He said as you sighed softly.

"But it's such a beautiful day out, the sun heals doesn't it?" I retorted making him roll his eyes.

"Back to bed." He said as I sighed and looked at Bucky.

"It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Bucky. I hope to see you again soon." I said as he returned my smile.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

Once I Was back in bed the doctor came over with a needle containing a blue-coloured liquid, usually, the ones he gave me didn't have a colour.

"What are you giving me?" I questioned as he grabbed my arm a little too rough.

"You don't need to worry about that." He said before quickly injecting it into my arm.
I didn't even have time to react before I passed out cold.

Three weeks had passed and Bucky hadn't seen me again.
He saw a nurse coming out of the house and quickly rushed up to her.

"Excuse me, is the lady of the house alright? I have seen her around for a long time." He said as she looked at him in fear.

"Well, the doctor said her condition worsened. She can't even get out of bed, the doctor is out today so she's sleeping." She replied as Bucky nodded.

"Okay, thank you." He replied before she left, he quickly snuck into the house and kept around until he got upstairs to see me lying lifeless on my bed, with various needles in my arms.
Something didn't feel right for him, he went up to the bedside table to see one of the needles and read the label.
He almost passed out just seeing the word.

"Oh no." He whispered, according to this label the liquid inside of this vile and inside my veins was a very dangerous and illegal sedative, one he had learnt about in hydra.
He quickly pulled it out of your arm and began getting everything off of me before he heard the click of a gun.

"If I were you I would step away from my patient." A voice growled as he turned around to see the doctor.

"This stuff will kill her, she isn't sick at all. You're making her sick." Bucky growled standing up to face the doctor.

"I'm just following the instructions of her husband, who pays me very well to keep quiet." He replied as Bucky glared up at him, while the doctor talked he reached behind him and grabbed the needle that was on the table.
He leapt forward and tackled the doctor, quickly injecting the strong sedative into his veins.

"Bucky?" He heard a voice whisper as I looked up to see him above my bed.

"Y/N, I'll explain later. But right now I need to get you out of here."

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