Avengers - Yohark

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The year was 3045, the world was a lot different than yours that's for sure. The rich lived amazing safe lives and the poor were left to die of disease and poverty. The city of Yohark was something beautiful but terrifying. The leader of the city was Mr. Daze, he was very rich and very powerful and you guessed it, I worked for him. I was his assistant, I could get any information I needed to. Which was good, because I was actually a spy gathering intel, he thought I was just an innocent submissive girl afraid of him.
I knew there were rebel groups outside of the city that wanted to take Daze out, but they wouldn't get close.

"Lucy, you're still here?" I heard a voice say as I looked up to see Daze coming into the office where I was sorting out paperwork. Lucy was the name I had been using as a fake alias.

"You know me sir, always wanting to get in those extra hours. I never stop working." I said as he smiled and came closer to me.

"You've been the only assistant that I haven't had to make 'disappear' and I definitely appreciate that. I like when my girls are strong willed." He said as i smiled back at him even though I wanted to skin his face off.

"I want to be strong for you sir, I want to make you proud." I replied doing my best to sound innocent. Daze was too blinded by power and his dick to see through me anyway.

"That's my good girl. Now go get some rest dear, I need you to have a sharp mind for me." He said as I nodded and followed him out of the room.

"I'll see you in the morning beautiful." He whispered winking to me as I smiled.

"Goodnight sir." I replied before going towards the elevator.
I lived in an apartment building beside the tower in which I worked.
I knew when I moved in that Daze had set up camera's everywhere.
But he didn't have any on the roof, about a year ago I had set up a make shift office inside an old tin shed on the roof. That's where I would keep all of the information I could get on Daze.
I was old fashioned I used all the old tech like printers and iPhones for my work. Pieces of shit but I knew no one could hack them because of how ancient they were.
A while back Daze had asked me why I go out of my apartment every night when I got home. I had told him I liked to smoke rolpo's every night before bed, don't worry it's not the same as the cancer causing smokes you guys had back in the day. Think of it as a really advanced vape that doesn't kill you as fast, still kills you but just slower.
I sat on the shitty chair in front of the crappy desk where I had printed out photo's of Daze.
You're probably wondering why I'm doing all of this, well one is obviously because Daze is a maniac that deserves to die. But it's more than that, it wasn't alway just me. I had a partner in this line of work, her name was Natasha. She swore she would bring this city down and save all of it's victims. But before we could do any of that Daze had her killed, I swore to her I would continue her work no matter what.
I have to take this bitch down, for the city and for Nat.
I stared down at all the evidence that I had gathered and sighed.

"I'm not going to get anything done tonight." I muttered before standing up and locking the shed up. I went back down to my apartment and headed to bed, I was so exhausted.


I woke up again feeling groggy as I groaned and opened my eyes trying to look around but everything was black. Shit I was fucking blindfolded, Daze found out didn't he?

"D-Daze, sir?" I asked putting on my fake submissive voice as the blindfold was ripped off and I looked up to see...

"Oh for fuck sakes, the Avengers? Are you fucking kidding?" I groaned as they looked at me in shock.

"Okay, that's not what I expected." Tony muttered as I broke out of the shitty rope they had my hands tied with and face palmed.

"How did you do that?" Steve asked as I looked up at him.
Suddenly a brunette man pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

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