Loki - Understanding

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(Trigger warning - mentions of past abuse)

Loki was done with breakfast and looked at the clock to see it was nearing 11am and he was yet to see you come down.
He decided he should check on you.
Making his way up the elevator and to your room he gently knocked on the door.

"Lady Y/N?" He called out, he was still being formal around you, after all he'd only known you for a month.
Your soft voice came through from behind the door.

"Come in." He noted that you sounded distressed.
He opened the door to see you sitting on the side of your bed, he could se you'd been crying.

"Are you alright?" He asked slowly coming closer as you nodded.

"Yeah, just a rough start to the morning is all." You said as Loki sat beside you, but still enough distance away so he didn't crowd you.

"I could offer an ear if you'd like to tell me what happened." Loki said as you smiled softly and looked down at your feet.
You couldn't help but start to cry again as you covered your face.

"I'm sorry, it's so stupid." You whispered through your tears as Loki gently placed his hand on your shoulder.

"If it's bothering you than it's obviously not stupid, dear." Loki said as you nodded and tried to control your breathing.

"I had a dream about my father last night." You admitted as Loki nodded.

"Judging by your tone, I take it he wasn't a very nice man?" Loki asked as you nodded slowly.

"Well, you know I come from another universe. In that universe he's Satan, that's not a metaphor, my father is literally the devil." You said chuckling softly as Loki looked at you in shock.

"Well, that definitely clears some stuff up." He said as you laughed a little.

"It's not the bad memories that are haunting me, it's that...I miss him." You muttered your voice wavering.
Loki didn't really have any words.
He didn't understand how you would miss someone that hurt you, he knew for a fact that he never missed Odin.

"You miss him?" Loki asked as you closed your eyes tightly.

"Sometimes I wake up missing him, missing him holding me, even miss the abuse." You admitted ever so quietly.

"He was a terrible man, but he was so good at manipulating me that he made me think he loved me. And now I miss it." You whispered trying to not cry again.

"He got you into a routine that your mind got used to and thought was comfort." He said as you nodded and began to cry again.

"Would you like me to hold you?" He asked as you nodded slowly.
He came closer and wrapped his arms around you, you didn't waist anytime nuzzling into his cool skin.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as he held you close.

"Shh, you don't need to be sorry. You've done nothing wrong, love." He said making you feel even more at ease.

"Thank you, Loki."

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