Avengers - Betrayal

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(Mentions of attempted Sexual Assault)

I'm not really worth much to the team anymore, I don't even know why they still keep me here.
They should've thrown me out on the street a long time ago.
I looked down at the restraint around my wrist, they didn't need it there but Shield wouldn't let me lay here in a hospital bed and be free.
I groaned and closed my eyes, I was so sick of this hospital bed.
After what I did, I deserved this, I betrayed my team, my family.
Getting paralysed in the process was justified.
But it had been five weeks now, was this really how they were going to keep me?
I heard a noise and looked up to see Bruce entering.

"Hey." I whispered as he looked up at me, even Bruce hadn't forgiven me yet.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, I wasn't his friend or team mate anymore, I was just a criminal patient.

"Please, Bruce. I can't stand you being angry at me." I muttered as he looked up at me.

"Y/N, I'm doing my best here. If I were to let out my true emotions you know exactly what would happen and you would end up more than just paralysed." He said as I looked at him in shock, my heart practically stopped.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I whispered, deciding it was best to stay silent.
Bruce did his usual checks on me before he left without saying a word.
I felt tears in my eyes as I gripped at the bed sheets, trying to hold my emotions in.
After I betrayed the entire team and gave information to Hydra, I deserved to be ignored.
But, I only had too options.
Maybe I was selfish throwing the team under the bus in order to save myself.

"What did they offer you?" I heard a voice say as I gasped and looked beside me to see Bucky, I hadn't even heard him come in.

"What?" I whispered as he stared into my eyes.

"I know you wouldn't give up the team if Hydra hadn't given you something in return. You're lucky we keep you here and don't throw you on the street. So, let me ask again. What did they offer you?" He growled coming closer to me as I felt tears in my eyes once more.

"They didn't offer me anything." I whispered as he stood even closer, he gripped my upper arm roughly as I yelped in pain.

"What did they offer you?" He growled as I began to cry.

"I didn't want to do it, I shouldn't have given up the team, but I couldn't go through with it. I'm sorry." I whispered through my tears as he continued to stare down at me.

"Didn't want to go through what?" He growled as I closed my eyes before I felt his hand go to my throat.

"Answer me!" He shouted only making me cry more.

"Fuck me!" I screamed as he looked at me in confusion and let his hand drop.

"What?" He asked as I looked up at him and hiccuped.

"It was...either I h-have sex with three of the Hydra agents or...I give up the team." I whispered as he looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry, I should've just done it to save everyone." I cried out as Bucky backed away a little, still looking at me in shock.
He left without a word as I began to sob once more.
Since it happened I hadn't told a soul why I had given them up, I was terrified they wouldn't understand and a part of me wanted them to hate me as punishment for what I had done to them.

I had fallen asleep and I woke up seeing Bucky sitting beside my bed.

"You have to tell them." He whispered as I looked at him.

"I don't want them to know I chose me over them." I responded as he looked at me sadly.

"Y/N, they think you work for Hydra. The whole team feels betrayed. But in reality you were protecting yourself by never going through what you went through again." Bucky said as I shook my head.

"No, I was selfish." I whispered as I felt him hold onto my hand.

"Doll, it wasn't selfish. The team will understand." He said as I kept my eyes closed, trying not to let my tears fall again.

"Can you help me tell them?" I whispered, opening my eyes to see Bucky's softly smile.

"Of course."

Bucky had gotten me out of the bed and helped me into a wheelchair, we made out way to the main room where Bucky had called everyone to meet.
When we came out of the elevator everyone looked up at us.

"Bucky, what the hell are you doing?" Steve asked as Bucky stood in front of me.

"You all need to know why Y/N did what she did." He said as everyone looked at me.

"W-When Hydra took me, they gave me two options." I whispered as Bucky rested his hand on my shoulder and I took in a deep breath.

"Either I...have sex with them all or I give up information." I whispered, trying to stop my hands from shaking.
Everyone went silent, I looked up to see everyone in thought.

"Y/N." Bruce whispered as he came over to me.

"I'm sorry, I should've just done it and saved all of you, b-but I couldn't. I'm sorry." I whispered through tears as Bruce leant forward and hugged me.

"No, I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry for how I treated you without knowing the full truth." He whispered as I wrapped my weak arms around him.

"Y/N, we're all so sorry for what we did." Steve whispered as I looked up at him.

"We kept you in a damn hospital bed for five weeks not knowing what to do." Steve continued as I smiled sadly.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for everything." I whispered as Steve knelt to look at my face, he gently reached up and wiped away my tears.

"No more sorry's, doll. We all need to make this up to you." He said as I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Let's start by getting you back into your old room." Tony said making me smile.
I looked up to Bucky and smiled softly.

"Thank you."

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