Avengers/Peter - Bruised

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"Tony!" Peter shouted as he ran to the main room where most of the team were.

"Woah , kid. Take it easy." Tony said as he looked at Peter.

"I have a girl coming over, she goes to my school and we need to finish a project. Please, for the love of Thor be normal." Peter said making everyone chuckle.

"Okay fine, I'll be normal." Tony muttered making Peter sigh.

"Thank you." He said before the elevator made a noise.

"Everyone be normal!" He shouted before the elevator opened and you stepped out.

"Hey, Peter." You muttered, not coming any closer.

"Hey, Y/N. We can start our project over here." He said as you nodded and slowly came forward.
You sat at the dining table with him and got out everything you needed.
You began on the project before it was time to take a small break.

"We should probably keep going while we eat." You muttered as Peter looked at you.

"It's okay, Y/N. We have time." He said as you nodded a little.

"Sorry, I just don't want to be too long. My father gets angry." You muttered as he nodded.
Bucky couldn't help but over hear your conversation.

"Can I get some water?" You muttered as Peter nodded.

"Yeah, there's glasses in the cabinet beside the fridge." Peter said as you nodded.
You went over and tried to reach for the glass but hissed in pain.
Bucky came up beside you and reached for the glass, accidentally knocking you as you yelped in pain

"Shit! You okay? I'm so sorry." He said as you held your side in pain

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry, it was my fault." You muttered as he guided you to sit down.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked kneeling in front of you as he pointed at your ribs.

"Do you mind if I take a look?" He asked as Peter stood behind him.
You nodded and Bucky gently lifted up your shirt to reveal a bit dark bruise.

"Who did this to you?" Bucky asked as you shut your eyes tight.

"No one did it! It was jsut an accident, I feel over." You muttered as Bucky looked at you sadly.

"Was it your father?" Peter asked as you shook your head.
You got up and stormed away from them.

"Just get away from me!" You shouted before Peter grabbed your hand to stop you.

"Y/N, it's okay. We won't say anything to him, he won't find out if you tell us." Peter said as you teared up.

"I've seen the bruises you come to school with, Y/N." Peter said, releasing his grip on you as you stumbled over to the chair and sat back down again.

"I'm sorry, I just need to sit down." You whispered as Bucky stood up and looked down at you.

"It's okay, doll. You don't need to worry about that stuff, okay? Can you tell us what happened?" Bucky asked as you nodded slowly.

"I went out on my own without telling him, I just wanted a coffee down the street and then I went straight back home. But he said that I was disobeying him and he wouldn't stop." You whispered as tears fell freely down your face.

"Thank you for telling us, Y/N. If wanyonr can help, it's us. We can get you proper medical help, you can even stay here." Bucky said as you covered your face and cried.
Peter came up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N. I found a home here, maybe you can too." He said as you leapt up and hugged him tightly, almost making him fall.

"I've got you. You can let it out now." Peter whispered as he held you.

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