Bucky - The Child

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(Okay, this is a very heavy subject but I wanted to write it. Trigger warning! Pregnancy, sexual assault, abuse. I usually don't write things like this but something was telling me to. Please please please don't read this if you're sensitive to any of that)

You sit on the bathroom floor crying as you covered your mouth.
Surely this couldn't be happening.
You stared down at the positive pregnancy test and cried. Suddenly someone bashed on the door making you yelp in surprise.

"What the fuck are you doing in there?" You partner growled as you covered your mouth.

"N-Nothing, I just got my period that's all." You replied, he couldn't know about this. You have no idea what he would do if he knew you were pregnant.
This child didn't stand a chance.


By two months it had gotten two hard to hide it, he had found out and you knew now he would never let you go. If you had his child that would mean he owned you even more.
You were now 7 months pregnant, he had only gotten worse.
You sat on the cold kitchen floor, your head bleeding from where he had hit you as he stormed out of the room and into his bedroom.
You grabbed your phone and a coat and ran out of the door as fast as you could.
You kept running until you found a bus stop and saw a bus coming.
You quickly jumped on and gave him some money out of the coats pocket before sitting down. All you knew is that you needed to get to New York.
You closed your eyes and sighed resting on the bus seat as you tried your best to not cry your eyes out.
After an hour you made it to New York and got off the bus, it was in the dead of the night. There was only one number you remembered.
A friend from a long time ago that your partner had made sure you never saw again.
You dialled the number and prayed he would answer.

"Hello?" A voice came through the phone as you sighed in relief.

"B-Bucky, it's Y/N." You whispered, you knew he would be shocked.

"Y/N? Shit, it's been years. Is everything okay?" He asked as you began to cry.

"C-Can you come pick me up please? I-I need help please." You begged as you began to cry.

"Hey it's okay doll, let me know where you are." He said as you gave him the street address.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Stay on the phone okay?" He said as you nodded and did your best to breathe.
After a few minutes you saw a car pulling up and Bucky said it was him. You hung up the phone and watched him get out of the car.
You wanted to hug him so badly, but you hadn't seen him in so long. You weren't sure if he'd even still want to see you.

"Y/N." He said in relief running up and wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"I'm sorry." You whispered crying and hugging him back tightly.

"I'm here, it's okay." He whispered in return before pulling away, he looked down and noticed your stomach.

"You're pregnant?" He asked as you nodded and looked up at him sadly.

"H-He made me do it, I didn't want to. I-I tried to run away, but he would hurt me." You whispered between small sobs as Bucky looked at you worriedly.

"Your boyfriend?" He asked making you nod. He knew that you'd been forced into all of this.
He held onto your hand and smiled.

"Come on doll, let's get you out of the cold." He said helping you into the passenger side of the car.
He got in and started the car as you looked at him.

"I-I missed you so much, he wouldn't let me see you." You whispered as he looked back at you and offered you a small smile.

"I missed you too doll, I'm sorry I never tried to find you." He said before beginning to drive.

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