Peter Parker - Behind A Mask

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You sat staring at a man in a red suit with a potato sack over his head.

"Spiderman? Really?" You said looking beside you at your brother.

"Come on, once kingpin finds out we took down the amazing spiderman he'll make us a part of his team." He responded as you sighed.

"He's just a kid, Aaron." You said looking at spiderman.

"Well actually, I'm twenty-five so not a kid." A muffled voice came from the direction you were looking.

"You're still a kid believe me." You responded. You knew this wouldn't end how your brother wanted it to end.
The spiderman would escape, knock the both of you out and we would end up in prison where our father would have to bail us out, again.

"I can see the headlines now, psycho siblings finally caught. Spiderman to the rescue, Y/N goes to jail and never even finds a boyfriend." You muttered to yourself as your brother looked at you.

"What'd you say?" He asked as you sighed.

"Nothing. When's fat head coming?" You grumbled as you heard a chuckle come from spiderman.

"Soon and don't call him that or you'll get a bullet through your head." Aaron growled as you rolled your eyes.

"Trust me, that wouldn't be the worst thing to happen." You muttered sitting on the ground still looking at Spiderman.
You moved towards him and took off the bag that was covering his head.

"I know I'm about to die or go to jail, so can I at least see what you look like under the mask? I swear I won't think of you differently if you're ugly." You said as he chuckled.

"You don't seem like a supervillain, supervillains wouldn't ask for consent." He said as you laughed softly.

"Not a supervillain, just an everyday run-of-the-mill criminal." You replied making him chuckle.

"You don't really wanna be here, do you?" He asked as your smile faltered.

"Choice is a privilege, a privilege I don't have." You whispered looking away from him before you heard a door open and looked up to see King Pin and his guards.
You quickly shoved the bag back over his head and stood next to your brother.
Knowing it was time to just be quiet and let him take the lead.
You sat and listened to them yap on, waiting for spiderman to do something.
But he just sat there.
Why wasn't he doing anything?
Time went on the guards grabbed spiderman, but he still wasn't doing anything.
Kingpin pulled out a gun and pointed it at spiderman.

"Let's end this nice and quick." He said before you yelled out.

"Wait!" You screamed as he turned to look at you, you knew your brother was glaring at you.

"Yes?" Kingpin growled as you looked at him.

", I don't know." You muttered as he rolled his eyes and turned back to spiderman.

"Well, with that over." He said as you closed your eyes waiting for a gunshot.
You heard a commotion and opened your eyes to see everyone but you were knocked down.

"Um..." You muttered as spiderman ripped off the bag and came over to you.

"Did you want to kill me up close?" You said putting your hands up as he chuckled.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"So, you can put me in prison?" You asked making him laugh again.
He was about to say something before a gunshot went off and you felt searing pain rip through your body.

"Shit!" Spiderman yelled before knocking the gun out of kingpins hand and catching me.

"It's okay, I've been shot before." You said writhing in pain.

"I just need you to hold onto me okay?" He said as you nodded and tried to not scream in pain while he picked you up.

"If you happen to drop me, just swear you'll catch me okay?" You said keeping pressure on your wound as he chuckled.

"I swear I'll always catch you." He responded as you smiled softly and held on for dear life while he made a daring escape out of the skyscraper.
The only trace of you being there was your blood on the floor, and you could easily say you were a victim mixed up in it.
Which you kind of were.
Spiderman did his best to go as slow as he could swinging through the city.
You eventually made it to an apartment complex where he swung into the open balcony.

"Is this your apartment or are we breaking?" You questioned laughing softly, you knew you were close to passing out.

"It's my apartment don't worry." He said gently placing you onto the couch.

"You're a terrible hero, inviting a villain into your home." You said making him laugh.

"I thought you weren't a villain." He retorted as you laughed in return.

"True. Please tell me you know how to treat a bullet wound." You muttered trying to hold onto your consciousness.

"Don't worry, I've learnt how to do it over the years. Just focus on me." He said pulling his mask off as your vision became blurry.

"Thank God you're hot." You whispered before slowly passing out.


Your body slowly began to wake up as you groaned softly.

"Easy, Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a brunette man looking down at you.

"Spiderman?" You muttered making him chuckle.

"Yes, but my real name is Peter." He said as you nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. Woah, you did a great job stitching me up." You muttered looking down at your bandaged wound.

"Well, you learn a few things after getting shot a few times." He said sitting beside you as you looked up at him.

"Why'd you save me?" You whispered as he looked down at you.

"I saw something other than a villain inside of you, I knew all of it wasn't your choice. For some reason, I just trusted you." He said as you smiled softly.

"I'm glad you did, otherwise I'd be dead." You said smiling in return.

"Maybe you can help me start over. I mean, if you want to. I know spiderman is pretty busy." You said looking up at him.

"I'd be happy to."

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