Bucky - Torn

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(alpha/omega au)
(I'm on vacation and I have vertigo so if my stories are crappy that's why)
Bucky awoke to the bed moving as he turned over to see you sobbing and grabbing at your chest in your sleep.
The Alpha inside of him panicked when he could feel your distress and fear.

"Doll, it's okay. Wake up, sweetheart." He said gently shaking you as you jolted awake and screamed.
You sat up and your entire body shook violently.

"No, no, no please don't. Please, you can't, you can't. You'll hurt me." You whispered over and over rocking back and forth.

"Y/N, I'm right here." Bucky said gently as he placed his hand on your thigh and you turned to look at him.
You and Bucky were together, but you weren't bound together.
You couldn't be claimed since the glands on each side of your neck had been destroyed.
You always kept your shoulders and neck covered so the team never knew, not even Bucky knew.
They noticed you didn't have a scent but they just assumed you were on suppressants.

"Bucky?" You whispered as he smiled softly.
Bucky wanted to claim you more than anything, and you hated that he couldn't.
But you weren't ready to tell him.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as you began to sob.

"Doll, it's okay. You're safe." Bucky whispered as you leaned against him, you nuzzled into his neck and sighed softly.
Bucky played with your hair softly as you slowly drifted off to sleep.


You woke up the next morning to see Bucky already awake.
He was reading a book while playing with your hair.

"Bucky?" You whispered as he put his book down and looked at you.

"Morning, doll. You okay?" He whispered as you slowly sat up and nodded.

"Yeah, just a nightmare." You whispered sitting on the edge of the bed.
Bucky stood up and stood in front of you.

"I know you're not ready, love. But if we were to mate I could take it all away, I could help calm you down and make you feel safe." He said as you stood up and backed away.

"I know. I'm going to get breakfast." You said about to rush off before Bucky grabbed your wrist.

"Wait, Y/N! We need to talk about all of this. I know you had a rough past, but mating isn't scary especially not with me. I would keep you safe. The last thing I want to do is force you, but I just want to know if you want this or not." He muttered as you looked at him sadly.

"You deserve a mate. I wish you could have one." You whispered as he looked at you in shock.

"So, you're breaking up with me?" He asked as you looked at him.

"You're an alpha, Buck. You need an omega." You whispered trying to hold back your tears.

"And why can't that be you? I deserve an explanation Y/N!" He shouted making you flinch.

"So why can't we mate? Is there someone else? Am I not enough for you?" He said as you pulled away from him.

"I can't mate Bucky!" You shouted back making him look at you in shock.

"I want to, I want to with all of my heart but I can't." You whispered, the tears falling from your eyes as Bucky slowly stepped forward.

"Why, Y/N?" He asked reaching out to hold your hand.
You reached up with your other hand and moved your shirt away from your neck to show him the deep scar.
His eyes widened and he reached forward to gently touch it.

"So, that's why you don't have a scent." He whispered as you nodded.

"It's the same on the other side." You muttered before covering it back up.

"Y/N... What happened?" He whispered as you looked up at him.
He could see you couldn't bring yourself to tell him.

"Shh, it's okay. You don't need to tell me, I'm just glad you got this far, doll. I'm here whenever you need to talk, okay?" Bucky said as you nodded and hugged him.

"I'm going to go see Bruce about it today. I've never had anyone look at it so maybe he can help." You whispered as Bucky held you tightly.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked as you pulled away and wiped your tears away.

"I just want to go alone, if that's okay." You replied as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Of course it's okay."


You sat in Bruce's lab, softly playing with your t-shirt.

"So, what brings you in today?" He asked making you smile.

"It's about my omega side." You muttered as he nodded.

"I've noticed that you and Bucky aren't bonded. Are you on suppressants?" He asked as you shook your head.

"No, but I can't...mate." You muttered before you pulled your shirt across to show him the scar.

"Shit." He muttered reaching forward to get a better look.

"Y/N, what happened?"


After explaining everything to Bruce and him telling you it was impossible to fix you went back to Bucky where he was waiting in your shared room.
When you entered he jumped up and hugged you tightly.

"I want to tell you what happened." You whispered as he nodded.

"Just know you don't have to." He said as you smiled and led him over to the bed to sit beside you.

"I want you to know the truth." You replied as he held onto your hand tightly.

"My father did this." You whispered looking down at the floor as Bucky looked at you in shock.

"Was he trying to protect you from other alphas?" Bucky asked as you shook your head.

"No. He...he wanted me." You whispered feeling tears in your eyes.
You squeezed Bucky's hand even tighter and took a deep breath in.

"He tried to mate with me." You muttered looking to Bucky who looked pale and in shock.

"Of course it was impossible, he got so angry that he tore into my skin so no one else would ever have me." You explained looking into Bucky's eyes.
He reached forward and wrapped you up in his arms as you began to cry.

"I'm so sorry, doll. Thank you for telling me." He whispered running his hand through your hair.

"I'm guessing that's what all the nightmares are about." He said making you nod in response.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too, Bucky."

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