Bucky - Where are we?

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You sighed and collapsed into your couch and groaned softly.
Being a journalist in this fucking city wasn't exactly easy. It also wasn't easy when your ex was the mayor.
You sat in a singlet and shorts drinking a glass of wine.

"Argh, just let this next week be fucking easy." You muttered before you heard a noise. You looked up around your modern penthouse to see nothing.

"If someone's here to rob me just take whatever the fuck you want, I'm too tired." You groaned closing your eyes before you heard screams and a thump.
You shot up and looked to see three men on your floor groaning, as if they'd come from nowhere.

"What the fuck!" You shouted as they all looked up.
One had long brunette hair, one was blonde and the other short and brunette.
But they all looked strong that's for sure.

"Tony, what the fuck did you do?" The brunette growled as you looked down at them.

"One of you better explain what the fuck is happening!" You shouted as they all slowly stood up.

"It's okay ma'am, we had a bit of an accident. Could you tell us where we are?" The blonde one asked as you glared at him.

"First of all don't call me ma'am and secondly you're in the city of Kowall." You said as they looked at you in confusion.

"And what country are we in?" The one named Tony asked as you looked at them in confusion.

"Monhark." You replied as they looked back at you with the same confusion.

"Okay, so when you guys came into my lab while I was working I was testing on a new machine that could teleport people. But it seems it sent us to an alternate universe instead." Tony said in a whisper to the others.

"Tony what the fuck." The brunette growled as you looked at them in annoyance.

"Helloooo, yeah I'm still here. Different universe? Cool." You said as they looked at you.

"I'm Y/N, any of you want wine?" You asked heading over to the kitchen.

"I will!" Tony said as Steve nudged him.

"She could be trying to poison us." He said as I chuckled softly.

"Are you guys going to introduce yourself?" You said grabbing the bottle of wine.

"I'm Tony, the genius, millionaire, playboy. This is Steve, the strong sexy one and that's Bucky, the weird goth one." He said making you chuckle.

"You guys seem like a lot of fun I won't lie. I'm Y/N." You said grabbing an extra glass, filling it up and handing it to Tony.

"Only thing, I don't know how to get back to our universe." Tony said as Steve and Bucky glared at him.

"Well, until you sort that out I'm more than happy to show you around the city." You said as Bucky looked at you with suspicion.

"Why are you so trusting of three random strangers that teleported into your apartment? You're acting like this is just another Wednesday." He said as you chuckled and sat back down.

"Oh, honey. It's Thursday. Trust me, this kind of stuff is pretty normal in this city." You said sighing and closing your eyes.

"So you guys have magic and superheroes too?" Steve asked as you opened your eyes again.

"Well, magic yes. I wouldn't say we have heroes though, a lot of villains. But heroes are pretty rare around these parts." You replied as he nodded.

"Look, I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and don't wake me or steal anything." You said as they all looked at you in shock.

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