Peggy - Shock

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"Where did you find her again?" You heard a male voice ask as you groaned and tried to move but your body was too stiff.

"I found her dead in a river when Jarvis and I were investigating a murder. She should be dead, but she woke up when I dragged her out." A female voice replied as you managed to open your sore eyes.

"She's waking up." A third voice said as you looked around to see three people around you. There was a brunette woman, a tall brunette man and then a very short blonde man.

"It's alright dear, you're safe. Don't try to move." The woman said as you looked up at her nodded your head a little.

"W-Where am I?" You whispered with a hoarse voice as they looked down at you. You reached up to feel a bandage around your neck, your throat hurt so much.

"You're in a small hospital, well in the wing they don't use anymore because we needed to be quiet about it." The brunette man said as you looked at them in question.

"Why do you need to be quiet about it?" You muttered in confusion as they all looked at each other nervously.

"Well, you were the victim of a murder. We found your body four days later in a river. When Peggy pulled you out you woke up, so basically you came back from the dead." The brunette said as I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

"I-I died?" You whispered reaching up and touching your throat again.

"We're trying to get to the bottom of all of this. Honestly we've had some odd stuff happen but this is probably one to top it." The woman muttered looking down at you.

"Oh, I'm being rude. I'm Peggy, this is Steve and that's Bucky." She said pointing to herself and then the other men.
You nodded and looked back up to the ceiling.

"Do you remember your name?" Bucky asked as you shook your head.

"It's Y/N." Peggy replied as I nodded a little in response.

"I don't remember anything, this is all a lot to take in." You whispered closing your eyes.

"I know, this must be a lot to take in. But we're going to help you." Peggy said as you nodded and opened your eyes looking at the plain white ceiling.

"Do you recognise this man?" Steve asked as he handed you a black and white photo of a man with a moustache and top hat.

"Aaron." You whispered as an image of him punching you flashed through your mind.

"Aaron!" You shouted jolting upwards and suddenly the lights in the building all flickered. You felt so angry, but you weren't sure why.

"Y/N, it's alright. You're safe." Bucky reassured you as you gasped and tried to get your breath back.

"I feel so much anger." You whispered with your eyes wide open.

"I know it's hard to remember all of this, but if anything comes up you need to tell us alright?" Steve said as you took in a deep breath and nodded.

"When you showed me the photo, I saw the same man punched me in the face. I remember feeling so scared." You whispered as the three of them nodded.

"We believe you were in a relationship with this man and he's known to be abusive. We think he's the one that killed you." Peggy explained as you caught your breath and nodded.
You swung your legs over the bed and sat for a bit.

"I feel odd, it feels like my body is running with pure...electricity." You muttered looking down at your hands.

"Well, it's funny you mention that." Steven muttered as you looked at him in question.

"The night we believe the murder happened and Aaron dumped your body in the lake, there was also a big lightning storm. One of our theories is that yes you did die, but lightning struck the water and somehow brought you back to life." Steve said as you looked at him in shock.

"What so now magic is real or some crap?" You muttered making Bucky chuckle a little bit.

"Well, science and magic are quite similar. The reason we're keeping you here away from people is because..."

"People would have a few too many questions about how a dead girl is walking." You interrupted Peggy as she nodded.
A blonde woman in a nurses uniform entered the abandoned room and looked at me.

"Well, you woke up a lot quicker than I thought." She said as you nodded a little.

"I know this is a bit of a difficult thing to work with but it seems that you're stable for now and people in the hospital are starting to get suspicious of why I'm going into an abandoned wing all of the time. Anyway she can bunk with you Peggy?" She asked as you looked up to Peggy who nodded.

"Yeah, I've got a spare bed at my apartment. She'll be safer there. Do you have any spare clothes?" Peggy asked as the nurse nodded. 

"Oh yes, I'll just grab some from the lost and found give me five minutes." She said before leaving again as you reached up and rubbed your stiff neck.

"None of this makes sense." You whispered as Peggy looked at you.

"What do you mean?" She asked, you looked up at her.

"I feel strong and not vulnerable at all, I can't imagine me falling for a guy that would abuse me." You muttered looking back down at your hands.

"Your mind has completely reset, so it's forgotten all the things that made you into that girl." Peggy explained as you nodded a little.

"Some part of me hopes I'm never that girl again."

You had gotten changed into the spare clothes the nurse had given you, you were now leaving the hospital with Peggy, Bucky and Steve.
They made sure you did your best to cover your face.
You eventually made it back to Peggy's apartment.

"Please tell me you have something to eat." You groaned out making her laugh.

"We can go have some lunch at the diner if you'd like, it's close." She said as you nodded.

"Yes please, I'm bloody starving." You muttered as she grabbed her bag and you both left the apartment again.

You made it to the diner and sat down sighing, you were exhausted to say the least.

"Please tell me this place has burgers and soda." You muttered making Peggy chuckle softly.

"They most definitely do." She said before ordering for you.
While you waited for the food to arrive you and Peggy talked.
She told you of all the amazing cases she had solved, she sounded wonderful.

"You don't have to agree, but what do you say to joining me in the case and helping me bring your abuser to justice?" She said as you smirked.

"I say fuck yeah Peggy."

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