Loki - Wither

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You were asleep in your bed like usual, your body was weak.

"Lady, Y/N." You heard a voice say as you opened your eyes to see Thor.

"Thor, it's good to see you." You said making him smile softly.

"I wanted to tell you that Loki is back." He said as you smiled, but you knew there was remorse in his voice.

"I need to see him." You said beginning to get up, but Thor quickly stopped you.

"Y/N, you need to stay in bed." He said as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Thor, please. I haven't seen him since I thought he died, I know he committed crimes, but I still love him. He has to know my time is limited." You said as Thor looked at you sadly.

"Okay, lady Y/N. I'll help you down." He said, quickly grabbing a coat and helping you stand up.
He wrapped the coat around your shoulders before you left the stale room.

"Perhaps while the doctor isn't looking you could also take me to the gardens." You said making Thor chuckle softly.

"As long as you keep it a secret."

You eventually made it down to the prisons where they were holding Loki.

"Loki." Thor called out.

"You're wasting your time, brother." Loki growled before turning around and seeing you.

"Y/N, it's best if you just let go of what he had." He said as you looked at him sadly.

"May we have a moment?" You asked looking to Thor as he nodded.

"I'll stay close, just call me if you need anything." He said before leaving.

"I see in my absence you took a liking to Thor." He grumbled jealously as you sighed.

"My love, that's far from the truth and you know it. A lot has changed since you left. I've missed you so much." You whispered, slowly shuffling towards the cell.

"I've changed too, for the worse this time." He grumbled as you looked up at him sadly.

"You could change into anything and I would still love you just the same." You said as he looked down at you.

"Then you're a fool, destined to have your heart broken." He growled as you smiled sadly.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you? I wish I could've been there. Loki, I don't have much time left in Asgard." You replied making him look at you in confusion.

"Where are you going?" He asked as your smile slowly faded.

"Valhalla, hopefully." You said before his tough exterior melted away and you saw the man you fell in love with.

"Y/N." He whispered with sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay, love. I've been sick for quite some time and I've come to terms with it. I'm ready to go, I just thank every power there is that I got to see you before I left." You said as you saw tears stream down his face.

"Thor! You oaf! Let me out! Just for a moment!" Loki shouted as he cried.
Thor came back and looked at you both sadly.

"Keep this between us." He said before the force field around Loki disappeared.
Thor helped you step up into the cell and you wrapped your arms around Loki, fearing that if you let go you'd never hold him again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I wish I'd never left, I wish I would've been right by your side." He whispered through his tears as you held him close, trying to hold in your own tears.

"It's okay, my love. I don't blame you for even a moment, I love you more than words could ever describe. I can't imagine what they did to you." You whispered as Loki held onto you for dear life.

"I can't go on without you, Y/N." He whispered as you smiled softly and pulled away.
You reached up and wiped away his tears.

"You can, love. I know how strong you are." You said as Loki forced a smile for you.

"How long?" He whispered, closing his eyes.

"The healers say I won't make it last the winter." You said as he nodded.

"There's still some time. Thor, please you have to let me spend these last moments with her. I will serve any punishment I need, but for now, I need to care for her like she deserves." Loki begged his brother, you looked at Thor and you could see the sympathy in his eyes.

"I'll see what I can do. For now, I believe Y/N wanted to go for a walk through the gardens." Thor said making you smile, Thor gestured for you to both leave.
Loki held you close and supported you as you walked.

"Tell me what happened, my love." You whispered to Loki as you made it up to the halls of the castle.

"There's time for that later, darling. Right now I just want to be with you, without anything else on my mind." He whispered, kissing your hands softly.

"Now I believe the Lady requested to see the gardens." He said making you chuckle softly.

"Lead the way, my love."

(just a Lil wholesome one)

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