White walls and blue pills - Part 2

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"This is a punishment, it's a simulation." You whispered as Steve looked down at you and then to Tony.

"Get the sedative." Tony growled before you broke out of the restraint.

"Get the fuck away from me, monster." You growled backing away before Steve grabbed you.

"Y/N, it's okay. Just calm down." He said as you struggled in his grip.

"No, I won't calm down! I don't deserve this." You cried out as he gripped you harder before Tony spoke up.

"Don't deserve it? You're a murderer Y/N! You killed so many people and destroyed lives for Hydra. Barnes I could actually forgive because he was brain washed. But you weren't, were you! You did it all on your own volition!" Tony shouted as you felt tears in your eyes.

"No! That's not true." You cried out, giving up fighting against Steve.

"Sedate her." Tony growled as Steve gently moved your hair away from your neck and injected the sedative.

"It's okay, Y/N. You're okay." He whispered, catching you as you fell unconscious.


"Y/N, come on. You have to wake up." You heard a voice say as you groaned and opened your eyes.
You didn't see the usual white walls.

"What happened?" You muttered as he began undoing restraints around your wrists.

"I have to get you out of here, I just couldn't sit by and watch anymore." He whispered as you got a good look at his face.
He was tall, dark haired and had a clean shaven face.
He was wearing a shield uniform.
He suddenly picked you up in his arms as you groaned.

"You're too weak to walk right now, but it'll be okay." He said, rushing through his words.

"Tell me who you are." You muttered looking up at him.

"Well, you know me as Doctor Steve Rogers. But that was just a cover in the simulation. My real name is Alex." He said as you nodded and tried to stay conscious.

"I'll question you later, right now I can't even think." You muttered making him chuckle softly.

"It'll be okay, I just have to get you out to my car and that'll be it. And also get you through security, but it's fine we can do it. I can break out a criminal." He muttered as you began to fall asleep.

"Okay." You muttered before passing out.


When you awoke again you opened your eyes to see darkness, you groaned and moved the sheet away from your face.

"Good to see you awake." You heard Alec say as you sat up to see you were in the boot of his car.

"Okay, is this a simulation? Answer some questions." You growled as he sighed while you climbed out of the boot and into the passenger seat.

"No, this isn't the simulation anymore. I don't know if you have your memories back but you were in their for ten months. I was there the entire time, I saw how they treated you and I saw that you weren't as bad as they said you were. I couldn't stand by and watch you get tortured." He muttered as you looked at him in shock.

"What about Bucky?" You asked as he scoffed.

"He's a prick, he hated you with a burning passion and would do anything to kill you. I wasn't about to rescue him." He said as you nodded and looked forward at the scenery ahead of you.

"Did we know each other before the simulation?" You asked, turning to him once more.
You could see some sort of guilt in his eyes.

"We did." He muttered making you look at him with confusion.

"How did we know each other?" You asked, noticing he was beginning to look guiltier and guiltier.

"Well, we knew each other before Hydra. Hydra knew we were close and that I was a shield agent, so they wanted to use you against me. I was protecting you, but one day it got too much, we had a fight and I stormed out. By the time I came back the place was ransacked and you were gone. I never stopped looking for you, but one day you just fell into my lap at shield. So, I volunteered to be the one in the simulation with you." He explained as you stared forward in shock.

"Woah, that's a lot to process." You whispered as he looked beside at you.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He whispered, you offered him a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm not angry now but when I get my memories back I might be, so I'd be careful if I were you." I replied making him laugh softly.

"I think you made it up to me by breaking me out of there." You whispered closing your eyes and resting your head against the seat.

"Let's get you home."

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