Steve - Villian

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(major trigger warning, sexual assault, incest)
It was cold, but you were too nervous to tell them you were cold.
You were a criminal after all.
You saw Steve entering with Tony as you looked up.

"Mr. Rogers. Is the soldier here?" You whispered as he looked up at you.
He hadn't talked to you yet, and he expected someone with over 40 kills to be more scary.

"Bucky lives here, yes. Did you know him?" Steve asked as you hugged your knees to your chest and nodded.

"We knew each other in Hydra." You replied as he nodded.

"There's a lot we need to sort out, we'll need to ask you a few questions." Steve said as he looked at you.
He'd come in here ready to be stern and hard, but when he saw you and heard you speak he couldn't help but be a bit easier on you.

"Of course, sir. I'll tell you anything you need to know." You replied as he nodded and smiled.


About an hour later you had answered all of Steve's questions.

"Thank you for cooperating, Y/N. We'll come back again later." Steve said as you nodded and watched them leave.
You sighed and rested your head against the glass wall.

"Thought I recognised you." He said as you smiled softly.

"Hi, Bucky. It's been a while." You said as he chuckled.

"Look at you, trying to be nice. Is it hurting your heart?" He said as your smile faded.

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked as he looked at you and slowly stepped forward.

"Must be weird for you, being away from your father. How do you even think without him telling you what to do?" He taunted as you looked away from him.

"I-I wanted to get captured, then I could get away from him." You whispered scratching at your leg.

"That's hard to believe, doll. You forget, I was in the cell across from yours. I remember hearing a lot." He said as you felt yourself pale.

"The things I heard come out of your mouth say different to what you're telling me." He said as you closed your eyes and buried your head in your knees.

"I know how much you enjoyed following his orders, Y/N. I always heard you begging him, begging him for his attention, begging daddy to use you." He said as you eyes widened and you looked up at him.

"Please, please stop." You whispered as tears began to stream down your face.

"Come on, doll. You seriously can't tell me you didn't enjoy what he did, your pretty moans told otherwise." He said as you stood up and rushed at the glass, slamming your body into it.

"Stop! Stop it!" You screamed as he chuckled.
You began to sob as you bashed your hands against the wall.
Suddenly you felt someone grab both your arms as you screamed.

"No! No! Let me go!" You screamed as you thrashed in their arms.

"Y/N! It's okay, it's just me." Steve said as you began to calm down.

"It's not true, I didn't want it." You sobbed as you slowly sank to your knees and cried.
Steve knelt beside you, still keeping a distance.

"Hey, it's alright. There's no one here to hurt you." He whispered as you shook your head.

"Bucky, he wants to hurt me. He said all this horrible stuff to me." You cried as Steve looked at you in confusion.

"Bucky is away on a mission today, Y/N. He isn't here." Steve said as you shook your head again.

"No, he was right there. He wouldn't stop." You whispered as Steve looked at you sadly.

"It's possible you were seeing a hallucination. What if we check the cameras and see if he was there? Would it make you feel safer?" Steve suggested as you nodded.
Steve left for a moment and came back with a tablet to pull up the security footage.
You watched it and saw there was no one there.

"I can imagine you haven't been away from Hydra since you were young. Your mind will be doing so many different things to try and cope with all of this." Steve said as you nodded a little.

"What was the hallucination saying?" Steve asked as you closed your eyes.

"My father." You whispered as Steve nodded.

"Was he in Hydra as well?" Steve asked as you nodded again.

"I wanted to get captured, I didn't care who it was by I just wanted to be away from him." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm going to try my best to help you, okay?" Steve asked before you leapt to him and wrapped your arms around him.

"Oh!" Steve shouted in surprise before he smiled and wrapped his arms around you.

"It's okay, Y/N." He whispered as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Steve's warmth from his body.


2 days had passed by now, and Steve came and saw you nearly every hour of the day.
He came back in the afternoon and smiled.

"Well, shield is allowing us to let you live in the tower. Maybe not as an avenger, but they will certainly let you live here as long as you agree to undergo psychologically help." Steve said as you eyes widened and you stood up quickly.

"Really?" You said making Steve smile.
He opened the cell and you ran out to him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much, Steve." You said making him chuckle and wrap his arms around you tightly.

"Come on, I'll show you where your room is."

You walked into the main room with Steve and your heart stopped when you saw someone all too familiar.
You froze and quickly grabbed Steve's hand.

"Y/N?" He questioned before he followed your gaze to see Bucky.

"Y/N, it's okay. He won't hurt you." Steve said before Bucky looked at you and smiled.
He walked forward as you gripped Steve's hand tighter.

"Hey, you must be Y/N." He said as you looked away from him.

"Steve told me about everything, and I'll do my best to stay away until you're ready to talk. You have my word that I won't hurt you." He said as you slowly looked up at nodded.

"I'll leave you to get settled in." He said before leaving.

"Come on, I'll show you your room."

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