Steve - Crush

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(he/him reader)
How could you not fall in love with Captain America?
Everyone in the world had fallen in love with him.
But you fought by his side, you had a better chance then anyone. But to be fair you were a lot younger than him and you weren't even sure if he was gay, or maybe bi.

"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Steve asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"S-Sorry, Captain." You muttered before looking up at him.

"Focus, okay?" He said as you nodded and tried your best to focus on Steve, without thinking about anything other than the mission.
Finally it ended and you sighed in relief.

"Y/N, stay back please." Steve said as you froze in your place and watched everyone leave.
You turned around and saw him sitting down, you sat down to the side of him and kept your head down.

"Is everything okay? You've been really distant lately." Steve asked as you sighed a little, it was a relief knowing he was just worried about you and he didn't know you wanted him to fuck you.

"Sorry, it gets a bit much sometimes. Having the weight of people's lives on my plate. I know I'm in my twenties but it's still hard. Especially when I'm the youngest." You replied as Steve nodded.

"Do you need extra training? I can help if you want." Steve said as a million thoughts ran through your mind.

"Maybe it would help." You whispered, fidgeting with your hands.
Was it selfish? Maybe, but it was the only way to get close to Steve.

"Anything else on your mind?" Steve asked as I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Nope! That was all, thanks Steve!" You shouted before running out of the room making Steve chuckle softly.


It was 6am and you met Steve in the training room.

"Look, when you said extra training I didn't think you meant torturing me by waking up at 6am." You said as you yawned, making Steve laugh.

"Don't complain, kid. You're lucky I don't have you up at four." He said making you laugh softly.
You began to train with Steve and you realised how out of practice you were.
You laid on your back panting as Steve helped you up.

"Need a break?" Steve asked as you groaned.

"No, I'm good." You grumbled before attacking him and pinning him to the ground.

"My strength is just distraction that's all." You said making him chuckle.
Suddenly making you aware of the fact that you were on top of Steve.
It was short lived when he threw you off, rolled you over and was now the one on top of you.

"See? You're distracted. What's on your mind?" Steve asked as you looked up at him.

"Nothing." You grumbled, his hands were tighter on your wrists.

"No more lying, I know there's something going on." Steve said as your face grew red.

"Really, Steve. It's nothing." You responded before he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't lie to me." He growled as you kept your eyes closed.

"It's hard to concentrate when you're around." You muttered, opening your eyes to see Steve staring back at you.

"Why?" Steve question as you grew red.

"You're attractive, I think everyone would agree with me." You said as he smiled a little.

"So, you're distracted because you're attracted to me?" Steve said with amusement, only making it worse

"I didn't say that, I just said that you were attractive." You grumbled as he chuckled.

"Stop laughing!" You shouted before he looked down at you.

"So, you don't need training. You just wanted to be with me, feel my body against yours. Is that what this is?" Steve whispered slowly coming closer.
You were lost for words.

"If your Captain asks you a question, you answer it." He whispered, as your eyes widened.

"Y-Yes, sir." You whispered, seeing something primal in his eyes.

"Now, come on. Was that so hard?" Steve whispered before he backed away.
You were too embarrassed to even think.

"My room in ten." Steve said before walking away, leaving you speechless.

"What the fuck just happened."

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