Yohark - Part 2

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Daze had been more of a gentleman more than I'd ever seen that night.
Maybe it was his version of trying to manipulate me.
He let me sleep in his bed and he slept outside on the couch, I was very shocked he wasn't trying to sleep with me.
I drifted off to sleep still thinking about the Avengers, maybe I didn't have to be alone in all of this.

The next morning I woke up feeling someone run their hand through my hair.
I groaned and looked up to see it was Daze.

"Good morning, sir." I muttered yawning a little.

"You look so peaceful when you sleep." He said as I chuckled a little and sat up.

"Thank you for letting me stay here, sir." I muttered rubbing my eyes as he smiled.

"It was no issue, sweet girl. How about you take the day off today? You went through a lot last night." He said as I smiled and nodded.

"I'd like that, thank you." I replied as he returned my smile.

"I have to get going but you can leave whenever you'd like, help yourself to some food if you'd like." He said making me nod, I yawned again making him chuckle.

"I'll see you later, Lucy." He said before leaving, honestly it felt nice to be alone once again.
I got out of bed and decided I would head straight back to my place, Daze could watch me anywhere I was but I felt more comfortable in my own place.
I grabbed my few belongings and headed back to my apartment, it was in the same building so it didn't exactly make it hard.
When I arrived back I sighed and collapsed onto my couch, maybe a day off wasn't a bad idea.
I stripped off my pants and bra sighing finally feeling comfortable as I switched on the TV, no investigations today. I just wanted to be lazy and watch crap TV.

It reached the end of the day and I decided to head up to the roof to do a little bit of work.
I opened up my old computer and saw I had an email, which was odd because this piece of tech was 1000 years old.
I looked at it and chuckled.

"Tony, of course." I muttered reading the email. Something about joining there team and seeing me again.
I wouldn't be completely opposed to that, but I'm not leaving Daze. I didn't come this far just to quit.
But I couldn't help but crave spending time with them, they had known Nat and if I was being honest this life was lonely.
When I had lost Nat I kind of just shut off.
Shut off to the idea of caring about anyone again. When you're immortal you get sick of watching people you love die.
I needed a plan on how to see them again.
Maybe it was time, I enough stuff on Daze to bring him down, I should have a long time ago, maybe even just after Nat died. But maybe I was afraid, after Daze was taken down I didn't know where I would go after all of this.
But it needed to end.

"I'm ending this tonight, I'll see you and the team tomorrow at 2pm."

I sent the email back to Tony and let out a nervous breath.
I hacked into the camera's in Daze's house to see him fast asleep. I smiled and rushed back down to your apartment. I just needed a backpack with a few clothes and that was it, everything else I would leave behind. I didn't need anything connecting you to Daze. Okay maybe I could take some money.
Once I was done I grabbed the backpack, went back up to the roof and began to get to work.
I had to gather everything I had, everyone close to Daze would even turn against him, law enforcement, the police, the people, everyone would see who he is and he would have so much against him that he couldn't come back, and could never come out of prison.
This would take all night.

I could see the sun just beginning to rise and I finished everything.
Soon everyone would wake up and the only thing on the news, in the streets and in the news would be the corrupted politic.
I sighed and laughed softly.

"I did it, Nat." I whispered before I grabbed a crow bar and began destroying all of the computers, every last one of them.
No one would know who released the information, I wasn't even sure if Daze would know it was me.
I sighed and placed a hood over my head, got my backpack on and went down in the elevator.
I just had to make it out of the city and then this was over.
I made it to the lobby and practically ran out the door, I had to steal a motorbike, it was the only way to get to the team outside of the city.
I stopped for a moment and looked back at the apartment building.

"Goodbye, Lucy." I whispered before I made my way down the street.
I saw someone starting up their bike as I ran towards them.

"Forgive me for this!" I said shoving them off and quickly getting on myself.
He shouted something at me as I rode off. I couldn't wait to see the team, we could start a whole new life.

It took a while to get out of the city but I finally found their base again and practically ran up to the door.

"Tony! Let me in!" I shouted bashing on the metal door.
It opened and ran inside to see the team watching a tv.

"Holy fuck, Y/N. You destroyed this man's life." Bucky said as I chuckled and smiled.

"It's what Nat would have wanted." I replied as Bucky came up to me and hugged me tightly.
I wasn't expecting it, but it was a welcome surprise.

"You did it, Y/N." He said making me smile again.
We both pulled away and I looked at the team.

"So, where do we go now?"

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