Yandere Winter Soldier - Part 2

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You sat quietly on the couch while Bucky attended to the wounds on your back.

"He said that if I slept with him I wouldn't get hurt, b-but I said no." You muttered, closing your eyes tightly trying to ignore the pain.
You could feel Bucky stop for a second.

"He would've hurt you, either way, darling. I'm sorry." He whispered going back to treating your wounds.

"Would he...force me?" You whispered in fear as Bucky turned you around and help put your shirt back on.

"I don't know, Y/N. I would do everything in my power to stop him." Bucky whispered before he sat in silence and thought.

"You should run." He whispered as you looked up at him in confusion.

"What?" You whispered, seeing him tear up.
He abruptly stood up and grabbed your arms, making you stand.

"You have to run as far away as you can, get away from him...from me." He said as you shook your head.

"No, I can't. I don't want to leave you and...if he found me." You whispered, tearing up as well.

"Then I'll run, forgive me Y/N." He whispered before hitting you over the head, rendering you unconscious.


You woke up hearing someone talking.
You groaned and opened your eyes to see three police standing over you.

"What's happening?" You whispered, trying your best to move.

"It's okay, Miss. Take it easy, the medics are on their way." One of them said as you slowly sat up and looked around seeing the apartment was a mess.

"What happened?" You muttered in confusion.

"We had a call in about a robbery, we came here and found the place in a wreck and you unconscious." She said as you nodded and groaned a little.
Bucky must have staged it, the police would get you far away from here, and hopefully, the soldier would never find you.
But, you were scared without Bucky or even the soldier around.
The ambulance arrived and they assessed your injuries, deciding it was best to take you to the hospital.


Two hours passed and you lay in a hospital bed. The TV played in the background, but something caught your eye.
You glanced over to see a report about the winter soldier going on a killing spree.
You felt like your heart had stopped.
You needed to get to him, if he had you again he wouldn't hurt anyone else.
But...some part of you wanted to get back to them.
You groaned and slowly stood up, grabbing your clothes.
How the hell were you going to get in contact with him?
You changed into your clothes and did your best to sneak out of the hospital.
It was surprisingly easy.
You stumbled along the streets, looking around.
You hated being alone, you weren't used to this.
You heard gunshots being fired, and you screamed and backed up against a wall, closing your eyes tightly.
You felt like the world was spinning, you could hear screaming and gunshots.
You sank to the floor and covered your ears.
Suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist and yank you off the ground.
You looked up to see a very angry soldier. You began to cry and lunged forward, wrapping your arms around him.

"Soldier! Please, please take me home." You cried out, gripping him as tightly as you could.
You felt his hand wrap around you tightly.

"I found you." He growled as you nodded and buried your face in his chest.

"We can't...we can't go home. Just take me anywhere, please don't ever leave." You cried out as he smiled and kissed the side of your head.

"There's my good girl, let's take you home."

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