Steve Rogers / You Won't Go Back

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(he/him reader)

You'd fucked up.
You'd fucked up really badly.
You sat at a table in the meeting room as Steve paced in front of you.

"What the hell, Y/N." He growled, looking down at you.

"I fucked up, Steve. Shit happens." You growled as he slammed his hand on the table, making you jump.

"First of all, watch your mouth. And second of all, you murdered a civilian!" He shouted as you looked away from him in anger.

"You seriously have nothing to say? What the hell happened, Y/N? This isn't like you at all." Steve said as you continued to look away from him.

"Y/N, you need to start explaining what is going through your mind unless you want to go straight back to prison." Steve warned as you felt tears in your eyes.

"I knew him." You whispered as Steve looked at you in confusion.

"You knew the man you killed?" Steve asked as you nodded.
Steve was starting to calm down now, he sat down in front of you.

"Who was he?" Steve asked, noticing the tears in your eyes.
You began to cry as Steve looked at you sadly.

"I didn't... I didn't mean it, I saw him and I just lost control. Something took over and all that anger came rushing back. I thought..." You whispered, pausing to take a breath.

"I thought I was over it." You whispered as Steve looked at you with worry in his eyes.

"It's okay, Y/N. Can you tell me who he was?" Steve asked as you nodded a little.

"My prison warden." You whispered as Steve's face fell.

"Oh." Steve muttered as you began to cry more.

"Please, please don't let me go back to prison. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'll do anything I promise." You cried out as Steve moved to sit beside you.

"Hey, it's okay. We're going to figure this out." He said as you sobbed into your hands.

"I was treated like a fucking dog and no one would help. No one would help, because I was just a dirty criminal." You said through your tears as Steve gently wrapped his arms around you and let you cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry, please don't leave me." You whispered as Steve ran his hand through your hair.

"Shh, it's okay I've got you. I'm here, you won't need to go through this alone." Steve whispered as you wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"Promise you won't let me go back?" You whispered as Steve smiled softly.

"I promise."

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