Bucky - You're here?

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(I'm just adding myself into this because it would get too confusing with Y/N stuff haha, I need a piece for myself and y'all can read it too. It was a dream I had but Bucky was someone else)

I groaned feeling I was on the cold ground.
There were chains around my wrists.
Wasn't the first time I woke up half dead on the ground.
I sat up and looked around to see I was in a dark rocky place. I looked beside me to see...

"Bucky?" I whispered looking at the unconscious man.
He looked much older, but to be fair I hadn't seen him in a very long time.

"I thought you were dead." I whispered as he began to wake up.
He woke up and I got a good look at his face.
He was a bit older, a lot more facial hair and his hair was even longer also a few more scars.
I was about to speak to him when a woman appeared in front of us.

"Minerva, should've known you were behind this." Bucky growled as I looked at her in shock.
She was...me.
Me before I became this, before I became Nova.

"What's happening?" I whispered looking up at her as she smiled.

"Hello dear. Wonderful to see you." She said as I looked at her in confusion.
Bucky looked beside at me.

"Who's she?" He grumbled looking to Minerva for an answer.
He doesn't know me?

"Oh how rude of me. Bucky this is Nova, and Nova I'm sure you remember Bucky." She said as he looked at me in confusion. He looked away and chuckled.

"Enough with your stupid games." Bucky growled as I looked at him sadly.

"Who the hell are you? What kind of sick joke is this?" I growled as she smiled and knelt down to where I was on the ground.
She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a large scar up the inside of her arm, much like mine.

"I'm Minerva and who are you?" She asked, I could tell she was taunting me.

"You know damn well who I am. What are you some kind of cheap clone?" I growled as Bucky watched us in confusion.

"The opposite, you really don't remember much do you? Well, it wasn't long ago you and I were one. Father got sick of you out weighing me, with your fucking kindness and shit. So he split us into two, the bad and the good. He should've killed you right there and then, but he couldn't do it. So, he left you somewhere on earth where you would live out a mundane life never questioning how you got there." She explained as I looked down at the ground.

"My memories, they're just fragments." I whispered as I looked beside at Bucky. He finally looked back at me.

"Do you remember me?" I whispered, he had an unreadable expression on his face.

"You're not Nova. Nova has been dead for a long time. You betrayed me, you betrayed everyone." He said looking up at Minerva again as I felt pain in my chest.

"Shall we show her who I am?" A voice said within my head as I sighed.

"It hasn't come to that yet." I whispered in response to him.

"And who are you talking to?" Minerva said as I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"What's your goal here? Kill us both? Eat us?" I said making her chuckle lightly.

"None of this is your plan anyway, Father is the one behind it all. Always getting his precious little Minny to do his work." I growled as her smile faded and she glared at me.

"I do what you never could, what you were too weak to do." She growled as I chuckled.

"You really think I care about Father's approval anymore?" I hissed back, she punched my across the face making me fall onto my side.

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