Bucky - I hate you

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(I wrote this in like 40 minutes goddamn, also the video will make sense at the end lol)

It had been two years since you'd joined the Avengers, you went on missions with them you lived with them and basically did everything with them. They were your family, well most of them.
Not Barnes.

You woke up and groaned looking around to see your bed in disarray, you must've had nightmares throughout the night.
You looked to your right to see your mission outfit on the ground, you'd come home late from a mission and took it straight off and went to bed.
You're outfit was pretty straightforward, mostly black. But your mask was an old plague doctors mask.
It suited because your hero name was Plague. A name you got a long time ago that you stuck with. You seemed to have a way of killing a lot of people and bringing misfortune to those around you, hence why you were given that name.
You threw on some casual clothes and went out of your room, you bumped into Bucky on the way and glared at him.

"Watch it." You growled as he rolled his eyes, he didn't know why you hated him so much. You were so nice to everyone else but him, he had no issue hating you back.

"Fuck off." He muttered back storming past you.
You made your way downstairs to get some breakfast.
You sat at the table and Steve sat next to you.

"Y/N, we need to talk about what happened last night." Steve said as you looked away from him.

"I get that you and Bucky don't get along, but you need to work together out on the field. You're putting everyone's lives at risk." He said making you sigh and look beside at him.

"I know, I'm sorry." You muttered as he smiled softly.

"Why can't you two just get along? I think if you spent more time together you would see how alike you are." He said making you roll your eyes.

"That won't be happening." You grumbled as Bucky walked past.

"Yeah maybe because you're such a bitch." He growled as you got up and went to attack him but Steve stopped you.

"Seriously Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you!? I've never done anything to you!" Bucky shouted as you glared at him and tried to break out of Steve's arms.

"You're a fucking idiot that's what you did!" You shouted back as Steve pulled you back.

"Enough! You and Bucky, up to the roof now and talk this out now! Both of you need to sort this crap out so it stops effecting missions!" Steve said as you and Bucky looked at each other.

"Now!" Steve shouted making you both head into the elevator. You crossed your arms and looked away from him as you both stood in silence. The elevator doors opened and you both stepped out.

"So?" Bucky said as you looked out onto the city.

"I'll pretend I don't hate you around Steve. How's that?" You said as Bucky grabbed your wrist and turned you around.

"Y/N look at me! Tell me what the hell I did to you!" He shouted as you shoved him off you, you were about to storm off before he tackled you and pinned you onto the ground.

"You're not fucking leaving until we sort this out." He growled gripping your wrists as you tried to fight him off.

"Because you're an incompetent monster!" You shouted closing your eyes and thrashing in his grip.

"It's more than that and I can see it. Tell me!" He shouted as you broke and opened your eyes to look up at him.

"Because I fucking love you!" You screamed as you both stopped and looked at each other. Your eyes widened, realising what you had just said.

"What?" Bucky muttered as you threw him off you and stood up.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Y/N? You hurt me and hate me because you love me. That doesn't make any sense." He said as you faced your back to him.

"Y/N please help me understand." He said walking closer to you, he heard you sniffling.

"Y/N?" He asked placing a hand on your shoulder. Before you could turn around you heard the click of a gun.

"Very touching." The man said pulling the trigger.

"No!" You screamed pushing Bucky out of the way and letting the bullet hit you in the stomach.

"Y/N!" Bucky shouted running towards the man and disarming him before knocking him out.

"Strucker." He muttered before running back to you, he caught you before you fell to the floor.

"It's okay Bucky, I can't die. It'll heal." You muttered, you were immortal but a gunshot still fucking hurt.

"You dove in front of that bullet for me." He whispered looking down at you.

"None of you know why I'm called Plague. It's because I'm cursed." You whispered back as Bucky looked at you in confusion.

"What?" He asked as you coughed a little and tried to ignore the pain.

"Everyone I fall in love with dies, I've been around for a long time Bucky. Long enough to know this is a curse, when I first knew I loved you I knew I had to do everything I could to make sure you wouldn't be hurt. I'm sorry for everything I did, but I couldn't stand the thought of losing you." You whispered as tears streamed down your face, Bucky held your cheek gently and wiped away your tears.

"Jesus Y/N, I thought you hated me so much. Fuck you're such an idiot." He muttered making you chuckle.

"Y/N, you're not going to lose me." He whispered as your smile faded.

"Maybe if I leave here you'll be safe." You replied as Bucky shook his head.

"No, that's not happening. We're only just going to start get to know each other without stabbing one another. The fun's only beginning doll, I don't care if I die for you." He said as you chuckled and shook your head.

"I was right, you are an idiot." You muttered before he picked you up gently.

"I know you're immortal but we need to get that bullet out." He said walking back into the elevator with you.

"Even though I did all of those things you're not going to still hate me?" You asked as he looked down at you and smiled softly.

"Y/N I never hated you, I did it because I thought you hated me. And I love you, so hating you made it easier on me." He muttered as you smiled back at him.

"Can we both agree to stop being fucking idiots?" You asked as he chuckled and nodded.
You reached up and kissed him softly just as the elevator doors opened.
Steve was sitting at the table with a coffee before he looked up in shock to see you bleeding in Bucky's arms and kissing him.

"What the shit?"

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