Steve - Forgiveness

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The team was around the meeting table, like usual.

"I know this sounds stupid but maybe seducing him would help get information. I know he doesn't respond to torture but he does think with his dick." Tony said making Steve sigh.

"As much as I hate that idea, it might be the only way to get him to give up information." Steve chipped in as Tony nodded.

"So, any volunteers?" Tony said as everyone shook their head, he looked at Steve who hadn't said anything.

"You volunteer Steve?" Tony said as Steve looked up at him.

"No, but I do know someone that could help." He said as Tony looked at him.

"By the tone of your voice, I imagine they're not a very good person." Tony said making Steve sigh once more.

"No, they're a good person. I'm the bad person."


"Y/N, Code Red!" Your friend yelled, running into the dressing room as you looked at her in confusion.

"I'm about to go on, what is it?" You asked, applying your lashes.

"Well, the golden boy is here and he wants to talk." She said as you felt yourself pale.

"Oh Jesus, I really didn't need this today." You muttered, bowing your head and sighing.

"I'll cover for you. I don't think he'll leave until you talk." She said as you nodded and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Tess." You muttered before she left to get ready.
You put on a coat and came out of the dressing rooms to see Steve waiting with Tony Stark.
You saw your manager along the way.

"Thought golden boy would be here for you. Punch the shit out of him for me." She said making you chuckle.
She knew what he had done.
You walked up to Steve and looked at him.

"Y/N." Steve said as you grabbed him and drag him out.

"Outside." You growled bringing him into the alleyway.

"What do you want, Steve?" You muttered looking down at the ground.

"I need your help." He said as you laughed dryly.

"You know, I was stupid to think you came here to apologise." You whispered as he sighed.

"You deserve an apology, Y/N. But,
I'm not going to do that here. I'll do it somewhere private, when it's just us. Right now, I just need your help with something." He said as you scoffed and shook your head.

"How much are you paying?" You said as he sighed.

"Come on, Rogers. I don't do anything for free." You warned as Tony chuckled awkwardly.

"Five grand, after it's done I'll transfer it straight into your account." Tony negotiated as you smiled.

"What's the job?" You asked, not looking at Steve.

"We need your help seducing someone, we need information. He doesn't respond to torture and we can't even get past his security. The government protects him. If you were to seduce him and get information from him, that would be great." Tony said as you smiled and held your hand out.

"Make it ten grand and I'll get everything you need." You said making Tony chuckle before he shook your hand.

"I like this girl." He said making you laugh as well.

"I have to get back to work, send the details to this number. And Rogers? This is strictly business, while I do this you are just Captain America. You aren't my ex from the 40s." You growled before walking away, making sure to sway your hips as you walked.

"Well, I'm hard so she's definitely up for the job." Tony said making Steve nudge him.



The team sat around the meeting table once again.

"She's on board. She might stab Steve in the process but that's fine." Tony said as the team nodded.

"So, why does she hate you? And how do you know her?" Nat asked as Steve sighed and sat down.

"We met before the war, she's an immortal. We dated for a bit, but I left, got frozen, and then came back here and I tracked her down again. She was so happy to see me, she thought I'd died. We caught up and she told me her job, that she was a stripper and sometimes...a prostitute. I didn't take it well and I stormed off. She tracked me down once more and said she was in trouble and needed help with money. She needed money for an abortion, an immortal and a human having a baby wasn't a good idea and she knew that. I called her a slut and told her she got herself into this mess and needed to get out of it on her own. I never saw her after that." Steve explained as they all looked at him in shock.

"It's my greatest regret." He muttered masking Tony sit down and look at him.

"Jesus, Rogers. No wonder she wants you dead." Tony muttered as Steve slammed his hand on the desk making everyone jump.

"I was naive! I will make it right." He said before storming away.


You sat in your apartment, lounging on your couch before you heard a knock at the door and sighed.
You got up slowly and opened the door, you knew exactly who it would be.

"Come in, Rogers." You muttered, moving out of the way for him.
He entered and sat on your couch, you could see there was a lot on his mind.

"I miss you." He whispered as you sat across from him.

"Well, that's what whore's do. Make people crazy." You muttered as he looked at you sadly.

"What I said was unforgivable. I have no excuse, Y/N. And from the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry." He said, gently reaching forward to hold onto your hands.

"I should've apologised a long time ago, I honestly thought you'd kill me." He said making you chuckle.

"It wasn't being called a slut that hurt, Steve. It was that you left me when I needed you the most. I know you were frozen for a long time, but the world kept moving, Rogers. I missed you so much." You whispered, gripping onto his hand as he looked at you to see tears in your eyes.

"I should never have left you. I'm sorry, I'll do everything I can to make it up to you." He whispered, reaching up to wipe away a stray tear.
He cautiously sat beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Well, you can start by getting up and making me a coffee." You said making him chuckle and stand up.

"Now I can definitely do that." He said before you grabbed his hand.

"Rogers, I forgive you." You whispered making him smile.

"Thank you, Y/N."

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