Bucky - It's just us now

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(Major trigger warning, this is very mature. Talks of sexual assault and abuse and a lot of swearing)

"Y/N!" I heard a voice shout as I jolted awake and saw Steve Rogers outside of my cell.
I quickly stood up and faced him.

"Sir." I greeted him as he opened the cell door and threw my uniform at me.

"Get dressed, you're coming on a mission with Bucky and I." He growled as I nodded and quickly got dressed into my combat uniform.
Steve Rogers was the leader of Hydra, he was a monster, that was the only way to describe him.
Bucky was his weapon, his perfect soldier that he was obsessed with.
Me on the other hand, he hated me. He knew I was a good soldier and would use me as much as he could, but I know he hated me. Even though every single day I worked hard for him, never even getting a single praise.
Steve collected Bucky from his (nicer) cell and you followed them down the halls until you came out to where the jets were.
Steve sat next to Bucky and I sat across from them.
Steven explained the mission to us both as I nodded.
It was a simple assassination, surely I could impress Steve with this.

Everything went by so quickly, me trying to kill our target, us getting surrounded and Bucky getting shot three times in the chest and stomach.
Steve had come crashing in and murdered everyone, god help anyone that hurt his precious toy soldier.
Steve had gotten Bucky back into the jet, Bucky was unconscious.
I was injured too but Steve wouldn't give two shits about it. I sat in the jet and sighed before looking at Bucky.

"He'll be okay." I whispered, more to myself than anyone. Bucky was still my friend.

"When I got you from your Father I was promised a strong obedient weapon. All I got was a mediocre soldier that doesn't listen." Steve growled as he looked up at me and I looked away from him.

"I wondered how your Father kept you in line all those years, how you were so obedient to him." Steve said as I looked down at my lap, I hated anything to do with my father.

"Then I found out how he kept you in line, much like how I keep my soldier in line." Steve said running his hand through Bucky's hair as I looked up at him.

"He would fuck you anytime you needed punishment." Steve said as my face paled.

"Your Father needed a release, you needed punishment. Perfect fit wasn't it? So maybe I should do something similar. I would never touch your disgusting body in anyway like that. But I've seen my soldier look at you in that way a few times, perhaps I should make him fuck you until you bleed until you obey." Steve said as my hands clenched together. I wanted to kill him, rip his head off and watch him die.

"Did I strike a nerve Y/N?" Steve taunted as I felt tears in my eyes.

"I wonder if you liked it. Liked having him fuck you. Do you miss him? Miss having daddy so proud of you." Steve said as I grit my teeth together.

"Stop." I growled as Steve chuckled.

"Still so fucking weak." He growled, I knew I had to just keep my mouth shut.
As soon as I got back to my cell I could cry and scream all I wanted.

The ride back was agonising, just sitting in silence with Steve starring at me.
We finally arrived back and Steve gave me orders to go back to my cell.
I practically ran back and a guard locked the door as I let out a scream of rage and pain.
I punched the wall not caring if I broke my hand and broke down in tears.

"I fucking hate you." I whispered crying tears of anger.
After about an hour of crying and screaming I sat against the wall, Steve appeared in front of the cell doors.

"I fucking hate you. You're a stupid piece of shit." I growled not looking up at him but I knew his face would be angry.
He was about to talk but I cut him off.

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