Nat / Approach With Care

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"Hey, Nat. We have a bit of an issue." Steve said as Natasha looked up from her workout.

"Mission did go well?" She asked seeing cuts on Steve's face.

"Actually it did and we managed to get a prisoner from Hydra, one they were planning to make into a soldier." Steve said as Natasha nodded.

"What does that have to do with me?" She asked as Steve looked at her sadly.

"Well, she won't talk to any men. She's terrified of them, there's just a few things we need to ask her and hell her feel safer here. Think you can help?" Steve asked as Nat nodded.

"Yeah that's okay."


You hugged your knees to your chest and kept your head down.

"You must be Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a red headed woman.

"Yes." You whispered as she offered you a kind smile.

"There's just a few things I have to ask you, Steve told me you'd rather not have men around." Nat said as you nodded a little.
She began asking simple questions and you didn't have a problem answering them.
After all you were against Hydra.

"Thank you, Y/N. I'll come back soon." She said before you quickly stood up and rushed to the front of the cell.

"Please don't give me to Shield. I don't ever want to be a soldier again, please." You begged as she looked at you sadly.

"I'll do everything I can, I promise."


You eventually fell asleep on the cold floor of the cell, it was somehow comforting.
You woke up hearing voices and saw the woman from before with Captain America.
Nat could see you were looking at him in fear.

"It's okay, Y/N. Steve won't come anywhere near you. We spoke to Shield and we spoke to them about you not becoming an agent. They agreed to let us help you integrate back into society, you can live here until you feel ready to he on your own." Natasha said as you jumped up in surprise and ran to the front of the glass.

"Really!" You asked making them chuckle a little.
Natasha opened the cell door as you ran out and hugged her, making her gasp in surprise.
Nat wasn't really one for physical affection, but she wanted to try.
She wrapped her arms around you softly as you smiled.


Nat was showing you around the tower as you stuck close to her.
When you came back out to the main room Bucky and Steve were there.
You backed away a little as Nat looked at you.

"Hey, it's okay. They won't hurt you. Here, hold my hand." She whispered as you held onto her hand and let her slowly lead you over to them.

"Steve, Bucky, this is Y/N." Nat said as you looked at them in fear.
Everyone in the tower knew not to go near you, especially if they were a male.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Y/N." Bucky said as you smiled a little.

"You too." You whispered making him smile in return.

While Nat was talking to Steve and Bucky she lost track of time and didn't even realise you'd fallen asleep on her lap while they chatted.

"I think you have a new job, Nat." Bucky said making her glare at him.

"Shut it, Barnes." She replied, but Steve and Bucky could see how careful and soft she was with you.

"She's in good hands."

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