Bucky Drabble

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Bucky was with Steve in the Shield headquarters, Steve had to meet with some agents about a few different issues and Bucky decided to tag along.
He sat in one of the waiting areas aimlessly flipping through a magazine.
He felt like he was a kid waiting for his parent to finish. He heard a noise and looked up to see five agents in armour and weapons dragging a young woman through the halls.
She looked harmless and sad.
He got up and slowly followed behind them, he sat them get her into a cell before he ran into Fury.

"I assume you tagged along with Rogers and got bored?" Fury said making Bucky chuckle softly.

"Spot on. So, what's the deal with her?" He asked turning around to see you hugging your knees to your chest in the cell.

"We can't exactly keep her stable. One minute she's kind and easy to talk to, the next she had seventeen of my agents in the hospital." Fury said as Bucky looked up at you.
You met his eyes and didn't say anything you just stared.

"Y/N, this is Bucky." Fury said as you nodded.

"It's nice to meet you." You replied making Bucky smile.

"Since you're bored, make friends." Fury said before patting Bucky on the back and leaving.

"It's okay, you don't have to stay." You said as he stood in front of your cell.

"It's either you or a magazine from 2010 with questionable fashion choices." He said making you chuckle.

"They told me about you." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"I was a Hydra agent." You continued, he looked a little shocked.

"Sorry, I know it's probably not the best subject to bring up." You said chuckling awkwardly.

"It's okay, it comes up a lot, believe me. How'd you get out?" He asked curiously.

"Killed about sixty agents and ran until shield got me." You replied as he looked at you in shock.

"I know I don't look like much but...that changes quickly." You muttered looking away from him.

"What do you mean?" He asked making you sigh.

"I have a mood disorder, probably pretty manageable...if they hadn't given me a replica of the soldier serum." You muttered as he looked at you with curiosity.

"Obviously mine didn't work like yours, but it definitely fucked me up even more and gave me more strength and agility. Sorry I'm rambling." You muttered as he smiled softly.

"It's okay, I really don't mind. I can't imagine you've had many people to talk to." He said making you smile sadly.

"Not really." You whispered before you felt a wave of sadness.

"After what I've done, I deserve to suffer." You whispered making Bucky look at you sadly.

"Y/N, I know you don't deserve any of this."

(Sorry if it's a bit short, i found it hard to finish it)

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