Bucky - Bruises

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(I keep doing so many Bucky ones oh man. Next is Loki though!)
After an unfortunate incident at the tower, Bucky had gone into winter soldier mode.
Now you and Steve were out in the streets trying to find him after he'd run away.
He hadn't hurt anyone, only you a little bit. You had a large bruise on your forearm in the shape of his metal hand. You knew it was broken but you needed to find Bucky first.

"I just know he's going to feel so guilty. Just don't tell him about my arm yet." You said to Steve who nodded.
You rounded the corner to an alleyway where you knew Bucky used to hide out in. You weren't sure why.
You saw him huddled up in the corner, gripping his hair with his hands.

"Buck? You with us?" Steve said as you both cautiously walked forward.
He looked up with tears in his eyes and saw the both of you.

"Did I hurt anyone?" He asked as you looked at Steve and shook your head.
You were glad you were wearing a long sleeved shirt that covered your wound.

"No, everyone's safe. We just need to get you back to the tower." You replied as Bucky looked at you and you offered him a soft smile.

"You should've just killed me, I'm too dangerous." He whispered making your smile fade.
You came closer to him and knelt in front of him.

"You don't deserve to die. All that stuff that happened wasn't your fault. I know you've heard that a million times but I mean it. I'm not afraid of you, Bucky. Not in the slightest, I understand your mind is going through a lot and I see you for who you are. You're Bucky, you're my friend, my team mate and I know you, you're kind and caring and you protect everyone you love. Your past doesn't make you a monster because you're making up for it in the present." You whispered resting your hand on his knee as he looked up at you.

"Can we go home?" He whispered as you smiled and nodded.

"Come on." You said standing up and offering your hand to him.
Once he stood up his grip on your hand tightened and you knew he didn't want to let go, so you kept holding onto it as you walked out of the alleyway with Steve.
You kept your hand in Bucky's as you slowly made your way back to the tower.
While in the elevator you turned to Bucky.

"Are you hurt?" You asked as he shook his head making you smile.

"Okay good, do you want to go get cleaned up with Steve?" You asked as he looked at you in confusion.

"Where are you going?" He asked making you cringe a little. You didn't want to tell him.

"I just need to talk to Bruce about something." You said trying to make sure your voice didn't waver.

"You said I didn't hurt anyone." Bucky said before he pressed the stop button on the elevator.
He grabbed your arms and rolled up the sleeves seeing the bruise on your right arm.
Thankfully Steve spoke up.

"Buck, it's okay. Y/N isn't hurt badly, you just grabbed her a little too hard." Steve said as you nodded to Bucky, he ran his hand over the bruise.

"Bucky, I'm alright. I just need to get Bruce to check it. You don't need to feel guilty okay? I know you would never intentionally hurt me." You said as he nodded a little and Steve started the elevator once more.

"Can I come to see Bruce with you?" He asked in a small voice as you nodded and pressed the level for the infirmary.
Steve went his seperate way as you and Bucky made it to the infirmary.

"Bucky, good to see you back." Bruce said as Bucky nodded a little.

"I just need you to take a look at my arm, make sure it's not broken." You said taking off your long sleeved shirt to leave you in a singlet.
You sat down on one of the beds and let Bruce examine it as Bucky stood behind you. He looked so guilty.
Bruce ran his tablet over it so he could get an image of the bone.

"There's a definite fracture of the bone, nothing too serious. You'll just need a semi cast on for a few weeks and it'll heal." Bruce said as you nodded and he went to go prepare what he needed.
You looked up to see Bucky looking away from you like a kicked puppy.

"Come sit next to me." You said patting the bed as he shuffled over and sat beside you.

"I'm fine, like Bruce said, it's nothing serious. But if you're still feeling guilty you could always make it up to me by making me breakfast in bed everyday." You joked making him chuckle.

"You know I would do anything for you." He said finally looking into your eyes as you smiled.

"I know." You whispered before Bruce returned.

Bucky stayed with you until the cast had set and you made your way down to the main room with Bucky in the elevator.
You pressed the stop button and Bucky looked at you in confusion.
You walked up to him and held both his hands in yours.

"Thank you for staying with me." You said making him smile softly.

"It's the least I can do after I..." He was about to say before you cut him off.

"Ah ah, no more blaming yourself. Otherwise I will have to use a very popular technique to shut you up." You said making him chuckle.

"I'm not opposed to that." He replied as you slowly leant in and kissed him softly.

"Maybe I should keep talking just so you can keep doing that." He said making you chuckle softly as you kissed him again.

"You're an idiot."

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