Loki - Relic

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"Alright, sons. Now that you're older and Thor will eventually take over my throne there is something you need to know and need to be shown." Odin said as they followed their father down the large hallways of the castle.

"Is it how to wield magic?"

"Is it a powerful weapon?!"

"Is it something to make Thor shut up."
The two brothers bickered making their father sigh.

"Enough! Be patient." Odin said as the two boys went silent.
After a long walk they made it to the very bottom of the castle dungeons where there was a high security door.
They eventually go through and the two boys looked in to see a stone bed with a woman laying on top.

"I'm confused, father." Loki said as they furthered into the room.

"This is Y/N, she can end any war. She is my most powerful weapon." Odin said looking down at your unconscious face.

"If the time ever comes you will wake her and she will protect our realm." Odin said as Loki looked at your face.

"Why is she asleep?" Loki asked his father.

"Because if there's no war she is useless to us." Odin replied, Loki felt sorry for the unconscious stranger.

Years went on and the Princes were much older.
It was almost time for Thor to claim the throne.
Thor snuck down to the lowest level of the dungeons with his friend and brother.

"Thor, I don't think this is a good idea." Loki said as they crept into your 'chambers.'

"You worry too much brother, after we wake her she will destroy the frost giants and we will be victorious." Thor said as they came into view of you.
Loki looked down at your face.
Maybe it was a good idea, he felt sorry for you being asleep for so long. Surely you deserved to awaken.
Thor began trying the ritual he had been taught to awaken you, but it didn't work.

"Loki, you need to try." Thor said as the younger brother sighed and stood over you.
He knew the ritual off by heart and didn't miss a beat.
You sat up and gasped for air looking around.

"Gods, he did it." Sif said as you looked around before your eyes landed on Loki.
You slowly stood up and bowed to him.

"What is my mission, master?" You said as they looked at you in shock.

"Hey! I'm your master here, not him! I'm the king!" Thor shouted making you flinch a little.

"The one who awakens me is my master." You replied not looking up as Loki looked at you.

"We want you to come to Jotunheim with us to destroy the frost giants." Loki said as you nodded to him.

"Of course, when do we begin?" You asked as Loki looked into your eyes.
He could see some sort of battle going on inside of your eyes, you were probably weren't here on you're own free will.

"Wait." Loki said as the others looked at him.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this. Loki continued as they all scoffed.

"I knew he wouldn't help." One grumbled as Thor walked up to him.

"Loki, now is not the time to pull out. We need her to do this." Thor growled as you kept your eyes downcast.

"None of this is her choice, it feels wrong." Loki muttered as you slowly looked up at him in shock.

"It's not your choice either, by rights she is mine, not yours. We are doing this, Loki." Thor growled making Loki sigh.

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