Yandere Loki

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Surely you were an angel.
You weren't human, you couldn't be like the rest of them.
You were so kind, so beautiful, everything about you was angelic.
He needed you, he was sick of watching you from afar. He needed to feel you, feel your skin, hear your precious voice say his name.
He needed you to be his.
You were walking home one night, alone, in the dark.

"Silly girl, someone could hurt you." He muttered as he followed behind you.
Why were you so naive? Walking home alone at night, where any man could have you.
He knew you would make a lot of noise, so he needed to knock you out. As much as he didn't want to hurt you, it was a must.
He dabbed some chloroform onto a cloth and snuck up behind you.
He quickly grabbed you and covered your mouth with the cloth.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay, sweetheart." He whispered while you slowly fell unconscious.
He wanted to revel in this moment, feeling your warm skin against him, watching your eyes slowly close.

"I finally have you, my love. You never have to worry about anything ever again." He whispered, kissing the side of your head.

"Time to go home."


He made his way back to his penthouse apartment, he'd set up a room for you a long time ago, and now you could finally have it.
He gently lay you on the bed and smiled.

"Let's get you into something more comfortable, darling." He whispered, slowly running his hand down the side of your body and gently pulling off your work shirt and then your pants, leaving you in your undergarments.

"It's alright, love. I won't touch you in any way." He whispered before pulling out a pink silk slip dress and slowly pressing it around your small body.

"There you are, darling. Get some rest." He whispered, gently placing the blankets over you and kissing your forehead.

"I'll see you in the morning."


Loki sat up at 3 am, writing in his journal.
He didn't sleep much, he was a God, and he didn't need sleep as a human did.
He heard some noises and instantly got up, knowing you would be in distress.
He rushed into your room seeing you pressed against the corner in fear.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. You're safe." He whispered in a calming tone as you looked up at him.

"Where am I?" You muttered, looking around in fear.

"Poor thing, I know it's confusing. I promise from the bottom of my heart you're safe. Here, I'll show you around." He said, offering his hand to you.
You stepped forward a little and held onto his hand, he smiled at how trusting you were already.
He gently led you out into the penthouse, you looked around in amazement.

"I don't understand, why am I here?" You asked in confusion as he turned around and smiled.

"Humans are horrible creatures, love. I can't trust them around you, I would see you every day and I fell in love with you. How angelic you are, your beautiful skin, your eyes and everything else about you. I knew I couldn't live without you." He said, reaching forward to gently caress your face.

"You kidnapped me?" You whispered in fear as he looked at you sadly.

"It was a little barbaric on my part, but if I didn't I knew you wouldn't understand. Just think, precious. If you live here, you live a life of luxury, I provide for you, cook you meals, keep you safe, give you everything you could ever want. I would treat you like the Queen you are." He said, gently playing with your hair as you looked up into his eyes.
It did sound like a dream, and maybe you'd always craved this.
But, it couldn't be that easy. Could it?
You slowly stepped away from him and looked down at the ground.

"But, I want freedom." You whispered making him sigh softly.

"You don't have freedom in your life, you could have freedom here. No work, not having to worry about money or feeding yourself. I can take care of all of it and so much more." He said, a sweet smile still on his face.

"I'm scared, I-I can't make decisions like this." You whispered as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"You don't ever need to make a decision again, love. Let me make the decision for you." He said, resting his hand on your hip as you nodded a little.

"Okay..." You whispered making him smile.

"That's my girl."


After sitting down with Loki, you learnt everything about him.
He let you know about the rules and what would happen if you disobeyed them.
Loki could see how nervous you were, he slowly moved over to where you were sitting and rested his hand on your thigh.

"You don't need to be afraid, my love. I would never hurt you, I just need these rules in place so I can keep you safe, okay?" He said as you looked up and nodded.
All of this was wrong, you knew that.
But, after the life you'd have, didn't you deserve something like this?
Loki reached up and held your face in his hand before he slowly leant forward.
He'd craved you for so long, and now he finally had you right in front of him.
But he needed to control himself, he didn't want to scare you.
To his surprise you also leant forward, hesitantly but he could see you wanted to kiss him just as much as he wanted to kiss you.
You reached up and held onto his shirt as his lips finally met yours.
Loki couldn't control himself any longer, he reached up and gripped your hair.
He pulled away and looked at you like a hungry animal.

"I can't wait any longer, I need to claim you." He growled as you looked up at him with your inoocent doe eyes.

"Tell me I can claim you." He whispered as you kissed him again and gripped onto his shoulders.

"Please, I need you." You whispered as he smiled wickedly, that was all he needed.

"You're mine."

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