Avengers - Sheltered

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(omega/alpha au)

Being the only Omega in the Avengers wasn't exactly easy.
They were very overprotective of you, and you had to pretty much fight to just go on simple missions.
You were on the couch sketching randomly before Steve came up to you and sat in front of you.
You could tell by the way he sat (and smelt) that he was about to give you an order.
You placed your sketchbook down and looked at him.

"Steve?" You whispered, you were a little scared.

"I let you know a few weeks ago that Loki and Thor would be coming here." Steve said as you nodded.

"I know I can trust you, sweetheart. But, I don't know if I can trust them. They know about you and they're both Alpha's, but Asgardian Alpha's might be a bit different. I need you to stay away from them while we get them settled in and then when we can introduce you safely, we will." Steve said as you looked away a bit.
You hated feeling like a dog.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Steve asked as you looked back up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll stay away from them." You replied as Steve smiled a little.

"Good girl." Steve said making you smile as well.


Two days passed and it was time for Thor and Loki to arrive.
Tony and Steve were a bit paranoid, so they kept you in your room for now.
You felt bored, but you knew better than to disobey orders.

"Friday, can you call Bucky here?" You asked, laying on your bed.

"He's on his way, Miss." Friday responded as you turned the TV on and set up a video game.
At least Bucky could keep you entertained.
You knew he'd want an excuse to get away, anyway.
After a few minutes, your door opened and you looked up to see Bucky.

"Thanks for getting me outta there." Bucky said making you chuckle.

"I'm losing my mind up here." You muttered as Bucky sat beside you on the bed.
He grabbed the spare controller as you both started to play games.
After an hour, your door opened again and you saw Steve.

"I brought some dinner up, Buck are you going to join us downstairs?" Steve asked as Bucky groaned.

"No, I'd much rather stay here." He said making Steve chuckle.
He handed you a plate of food.

"Fine, you can stay up here." Steve said before leaving.

"Hey, Y/N." Bucky asked as he began eating off your plate, making you chuckle.

"Yeah?" You asked as he paused and stared down at the plate.

"What's it like being an Omega?" He asked as you looked at him in confusion.
He'd never asked anything like that before.

"Oh, well I guess it's not that bad." You muttered as Bucky looked at you.

"Really?" He asked before you chuckled dryily.

"No, it sucks. Coming of age and realising you're just going to be used for fucking and breeding." You muttered, making Bucky look at you sadly.

"I just see the way the others treat you, it doesn't seem normal." He said before you looked back at him.

"Well, it's the best I can ask for I guess. If Steve hadn't have found me before my first heat... I don't know what would've happened." You muttered.

"Do you ever get scared of us alphas in the tower?" Bucky asked as you leant your head on his shoulder.

"I don't get scared of you. But, some of the others I do." You whispered, you'd never admitted it to anyone before.

"When Steve uses his alpha voice to make me listen, it makes me scared. Because my mind automatically obeys. Sometimes I wish I just woke up in a universe where there wasn't any of this crap. Everyone was just..." You trialled off as Bucky held onto your hand.

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