Wanda - Broken

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"I didn't think it would come to this."

"This is our only option, she's killed everyone. She won't kill her."

"We have no other way."


You sat in your usual 'cell' it was actually pretty nice. You were doing a crossword while you hummed softly.
The door opened and you looked up to see a doctor entering, you hadn't seen him before.

"Are you a new doctor?" You asked slowly standing up as he smiled.
He looked familiar.

"Well, I am a doctor, yes. But I need you to help us with something." He said as you smiled, a young girl with brown hair entered.

"Oh, hello!" You said waving at her.

"I haven't seen her since the accident. The news just said she healed and moved into the country." She whispered as you looked at them in confusion.

"Do you remember me, Y/N?" The man asked as you tilted your head a little.

"Stephen! I remember you! You helped with a few mission I went on with the avengers!" You said with excitement as he smiled sadly.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago. We need your help with your sister. You remember Wanda, don't you?" He said as you smiled brightly.

"My sister! She wants to see me? She hasn't visited in so long!" You said with excitement.

"Exactly, she wants to see you."


You were walking along the streets of New York, everything was destroyed.

"What happened to the city?" You muttered, looking around in concern.

"It's okay, this won't last. Once you see your sister, it'll be better." The girl said as you nodded.

"She'll be so happy to see me again!" You cheered be for the stopped walking.
You looked in front of you to see Wanda, but she looked different.

"Wanda?" You muttered in confusion, suddenly she appeared in front of you.

"Oh come on, Strange. Think you can get to be with a fake Y/N?" She whispered as you looked at her sadly.

"Sister? What happened?" You whispered with tears in your eyes as she looked at you.

"Y/N's dead, I don't know who you are, but you're not my Y/N." She growled before hitting you across the face causing her to scratch your skin.
You fell back and felt tears run down your face as you looked at her.

"Wanda? Please, I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?" You whispered looking up at her.

"You're pathetic!" She screamed as you began to sob.

"Look into my mind! You'll see, you'll see I'm not lying." You said through your tears as she held up her hand and searched your mind.
She released you and gasped.

"Y/N." She whispered as you got up and ran towards her, hugging her tightly.

"It's me! Why didn't you ever visit?" You muttered as she slowly wrapped her arms around you.

"Visit you? Y/N...you died." She whispered as you pulled away and looked at her in confusion.

"I didn't die, silly. I was at the hospital this whole time. After I hit my head, I'm a bit different and sick so they help me." You explained as she looked at you with equal confusion.
She looked at Strange.

"What the hell have you done to her?" She growled, stepping in front of you.

"Making everyone believe she had died was easier." He said as Wanda looked at him in utter hatred and anger.

"So you made me believe my sister was dead! While this whole time she was held hostage in a fucking mental hospital!" Wanda screamed as her magic surrounded her.

"Wanda, please don't hurt anyone. We can just go, we can...we can go have some tea somewhere." You said gently reaching out to grab her hand, she began to calm down and turned around to you.

"I should've saved you, I should've been there for you." She whispered, reaching up to hold your face as you smiled.

"It's okay! The hospital is fun, they give me food and let me play games." You said as she smiled sadly, she could see how broken your mind was.
Suddenly Wanda was shot with something and she fell to her knees.

"It's over, Wanda." Strange said as people rushed in and grabbed her.

"Wanda?" You muttered backing away, you ran up to one of the guards and hit him on the back.

"Let her go!" You screamed before he shoved you away.
Strange came up to you and grabbed you as you cried.

"N-No! No stop, it's a misunderstanding. She won't hurt anyone!" You shouted, struggling against Strange.

"You used her...you used her!" Wanda screamed as she broke free letting out a large blast of her power, knocking everyone over.
You were knocked to the floor and began to cry and grip at your head.

"Stop, stop, stop please!" You cried out as Wanda came up to you and knelt down.

"Y/N, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here." She whispered, holding your face once more.

"I want to go home, please. I wanna go home." You cried out, slowly rocking back and forth.

"We can go home, we'll find a new home." She said as you shook your head.

"No, no I want to go back to my home. The hospital." You cried out as she looked at you sadly.

"What have they done to you?" She whispered gently placing her hand to your head.

"Shh, the pain will stop. I'm going to take you home."

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