Bucky - Cuddle

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(I'm just having a rough night and need some of my boy)

I crept out of my room at god knows what time of the night or morning. I clutched my stuffed animal to my chest and walked on my shaky legs to the room across from mine.
I didn't bother to knock, he always said I didn't need to.
I softly opened the door to see Bucky splayed out on his bed making me chuckle softly.
He was shirtless with just his long pyjama pants on. I came to the side of the bed and reached down to touch his shoulder shaking him gently.

"Bucky." I whispered as he groaned and slowly opened his eyes. The first time I'd done this he screamed thinking there was a ghost above him, but now he was used to me coming into his room in the middle of the night.

"Come 'ere." He mumbled scooting over in his bed.
I climbed in and rested my head on his arm cuddling my stuffed toy close to my chest.
He rested on his side so his other arm could hang over my small body.
After Bucky had found out about my nightmares I had trialed sleeping with him until the morning if I couldn't sleep on my own.
It soon became a routine for the both of us.
Some nights I would even wake up to Bucky in my bed with me clung to his chest.
We barely ever spoke when we woke each other up, we would just climb into the others bed and go to sleep.
And it worked.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I couldn't breathe.
I knew exactly why. I groaned feeling Bucky laid out on top of me.

"Bucky you fat fuck." I groaned trying to shove him off.
He grumbled and rolled off me so I could breathe again.

"You're going to murder me one of these days." I said hearing him laugh softly. He stretched and slowly sat up as I looked at him.

"Make me breakfast." I demanded as he looked down at me. He didn't say a word before he stood up and came over to my side to grab me and throw me over his shoulder.

"Fuck! I'm sorry!" I screamed as he laughed before I flopped down letting him carry me like a bag of potatoes.

"Do I weigh anything to you?" I questioned making him chuckle.

"It's like carrying a pillow." He replied as I chuckled as well.
I looked up seeing we were heading for the elevator.

"Where are we going you idiot?" I questioned before he placed me down onto my feet again.

"You wanted me to make you breakfast." He replied as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Wow, I give you a place to sleep and offer you breakfast yet you still hate me." He said with a fake pout making me smile.

"Oh please forgive me James. I was just so dazed by your glorious muscles." I said placing my hand on my hand and pretending to faint knowing he would catch me.
They doors opened and I looked up to see Tony having breakfast staring at us.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" He muttered making Bucky and I laugh.

"Oh that's right, Tony doesn't know what affection is." I said making Tony look at me.

"Oh ha ha, the team slut doesn't get love. I get it." He said as I chuckled and came over to hug him from behind.

"Aww we love you slut." I said making him laugh softly.

"Wow thanks." He said turning to smile at me.
I went into the kitchen where Bucky was and looked up at the cupboard where my favourite cereal was.

"Thor fucking put that up there didn't he?" I grumbled as Bucky pulled it down for me.

"Thanks honey." I said making Bucky chuckle.

"Would you two just hurry up and date." Tony said as I laughed and began to pour my cereal.

"Oh, didn't you hear. Bucky and I actually got married the other day. You weren't invited sorry." I said before sitting beside Tony.

"I'm going to start crying. Barnes control your wife." Tony retorted making us both laugh.

"Yeah I'll get right on that."

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