Bucky - Free

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Being at the bottom of the pack in Hydra wasn't easy.
But if you were being honest you'd much rather be a pet than a soldier. You saw the torture they went through and you prayed to whoever would listen that they would never try it on you.
Steve was one of the higher leaders and his right hand man was Bucky. Steve was ruthless and you knew he had no good left inside of him.
But sometimes you saw glimpses of humanity in Bucky, small glimpses that made you think maybe there's still a soul somewhere in there.
When Hydra found you half dead in the rubble of your village they were just going to kill you.
But you looked into Bucky's eyes and somehow he convinced Steve to spare you.
They didn't really have a use for you but Steve grew 'fond' of having you around.
More in the sense that he was slightly obsessed with you.
You were cleaning up his office, softly humming to yourself to stop from going insane.
You could hear distant screams and you did everything in your power to block them out.
You heard the door opened and saw Bucky, making you smile

"How's it going, doll?" He asked as you looked up at him.

"Good! I'm almost done, I didn't touch anything Steve didn't want me to touch." You said making him smile.

"Good girl, you've been working a while. You wanna come get some food with me?" He asked as you nodded and finished what you were doing.
You followed him out of the office and down the hall, usually getting a few dirty looks by other soldiers.
Either that or lustful looks.
You made it to the food hall and saw Steve at his usual seat.

"Y/N, my sweet girl. Come have a seat." He said as you made your way over with Bucky closely behind you.
You sat beside Steve and smiled softly.
Bucky sat across from you like usual.

"Did you have a good day, sir?" You asked making him smile.

"I did, doll. How did you go cleaning my office?" He asked as you looked beside at him.

"Good, I got it all done for you."

You finished up with lunch and went back to your room/cell to rest a little bit.

Down the hall Bucky was unconscious strapped to a chair.
He woke up when Steve kicked him in the shin.

"Steve? What the hell is going on?" He muttered trying to move.

"Well, I thought it was interesting that I found classified documents in your room. Documents in Y/N, and also plans on how you were going to take her away from me." Steve said looking at Bucky as he paled.

"So, tell me why, Buck." Steve growled looking down at Bucky.

"She doesn't deserve to be here, doesn't deserve to be abused by you." He growled back as Steve chuckled.

"I might just go pay her a little visit." Steve said begging to leave the room as Bucky thrashed in the chair.

"Steve! Don't fucking touch her!"

You were awoken by your door opening as you looked up to see Steve.

"Sir?" You muttered as he smiled and came closer.

"Doll, could you come with me for a second?" Steve asked as you nodded and followed him out.

Bucky had finally broke free and ran around the base until he barged into Steve's office and found you, but you were in Steve's arms with his hand covering your mouth as you struggled and cried softly.

"Soldier, looks like you found us. You were right, she is just the sweetest little thing isn't she?" Steve said pressing his lips to your neck as you cried out and squirmed.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Bucky growled making Steve chuckle.

"I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, what was so special about this girl that she would make you steal private Hydra documents in order to free her." Steve said as Bucky's jaw clenched, that's what this was about.

"Steve, she had nothing to do with it. I was the one that was trying to free her, she didn't know about it." Bucky said as you looked at him.
You truly hadn't known about it.
You felt Steve's hand run up your side as he chuckled softly.

"Let her go, she doesn't want this." Bucky said clenching his fists.

"Oh, Buck. You still have a bit of good left in you huh? I would've thought all the torture got rid of it." Steve said as you thought quick and bit down on his hand as hard as you could.
Shocked from the pain he cried out and let you go as you quickly ran to Bucky.
He grabbed your hand and ran back down the corridor.

"I'm going to kill you both!" You heard Steve scream as alarms began blaring.
You had no idea how to fight, but luckily Bucky could cover for you.
He had his gun and a metal arm after all.
He grabbed you and pulled you into a small corridor holding you close as soldiers ran past.

"W-We won't be able to get out." You whispered as he looked down at you.

"I'm going to free you, I made a promise to myself. D-Did he...?" Bucky whispered as you shook your head.

"You found us just in time." You replied as he sighed in relief and kissed your forehead.

"We're going to get out of here."

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