Steve - Kingdom of Lies

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Life was pretty boring being a princess.
You would think it would be filled with fun and adventure, but it was mainly just looking pretty and being bored out of your mind.
Your Father, well he was your uncle that took you in after your parents died but he was like a Father to you now. He was the King, he was quite harsh and never really showed many emotions. But he would never hurt you.
You and your 'uncle' were the only two that had survived in your family. A long time ago there was an attack against your family, you were the only two that made it out alive.
You would think living in this giant castle would be somewhat fun, but it got so lonely. You didn't have any friends, your father was cautious. He barely ever let you go out of the castle, so you would mainly just read, draw or write in the library. You spent most of your time there. Your father was going into the town today on business so you were left alone with many guards and other royal workers.
You knew there were guards right outside of the library, but you wanted to go outside. Even though your father would hate that. You decided to sneak out the back of the library and found the small garden you would escape to. Your small slice of paradise, it had so many colourful flowers and a single oak tree in the middle with a stone chair under it. You would always sit there and write, whenever you sat there it was like the world faded away and it was just you and your imagination.

"Quite a good hiding spot you've got out here." You heard a voice say as you gasped and looked up to see a royal guard.

"S-Sorry, I just wanted some fresh air and sunlight. I'll go back inside." You said standing up before he put his hand up signalling for you to stop.

"I won't tell anyone." He said as you looked at him in confusion. He must be a new guard, none of the others were like this.

"Are you sure?" You asked making him chuckle.

"You're the princess, shouldn't you be telling me what to do?" He asked making you smile a little.

"Well, I demand you have a seat dear knight." You said in a fake royal voice making him chuckle. He sat down beside you and looked around the garden.

"It's so beautiful out here." He whispered as you smiled softly.

"Sometimes it's nice to just sit, be still and quiet you know." You said looking up at the clear skies.

"Oh, I'm Steve. I don't believe I introduced myself." He said politely holding his hand out for you to shake as you chuckled.

"You probably already know that I'm Y/N." You replied smiling kindly.

"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Princess Y/N." He said making you chuckle lightly.

"Please, just call me Y/N when we're alone like this. Sometimes I just want a break from being Princess Y/N." You muttered, chuckling a little but Steve could see there was pain behind your words.

"Well then Y/N, it's lovely to me you. Just as you." He said making you blush lightly, no one had looked at you as just Y/N for so long.

"Were you just hired by my father? None of the other guards would even dare to look at me." You muttered looking away from him as he looked at your sad face.

"He employed me and my best friend Bucky, he got word that a wizard had experimented on us and given us more strength. So, obviously the King wanted to have two super soldiers on his army." He said chuckling lightly as you looked back up at him and smiled.
He seemed like such a breath of fresh air.

"I can imagine there's quite a story there." You said making him smile at you.

"It involves betrayal! Blood shed! Death!" He said standing up and posing dramatically as you laughed and covered your mouth.

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