Bucky - Zombie

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The world isn't what it used to be, it was dark and violent. In the sense that a fucking zombie apocalypse had started and even taken down half of the world's superheroes.
The remaining ones fought off hoards of zombies just to survive.
I was one of the lucky unlucky ones, actually I think I was the only one like me.
I had been infected in the early days of the zombie outbreak, but for some reason it didn't turn me into a mindless flesh eating monster.
It turned me undead that's for sure, my body practically like that green girl from monsters high. But my mind had stayed in tact, sharp as ever, I could even sense things better, my eyes were better, my ears were better. But my body would often ache and sometimes bits of flesh would fall off. But it usually grew back, usually.
I was on my way back to my shitty tent that I had in the forest when I decided to take a break and sit against a rock.
The one good thing about this infection meant I didn't need to eat. It was like I was halfway between zombie and human. The zombies needed flesh and humans needed food, me? I didn't need anything, well water but that was a lot easier to find then food.
I took in a breath of the cold fresh forest air before I heard a sound. Honestly it didn't worry me too much if it was a zombie, but flesh wasn't really something they looked for, I think they liked it better when it was fresh mine definitely wasn't.
I looked up expecting to see a mindless zombie when I saw a human, shit that was even worse. I looked like a zombie, the zombie hunting humans were my enemy because they wouldn't listen to reason. They would see I was infected and shoot me in the head.
The man readied his gun as I put my hands up.

"Don't shoot!" I shouted as he looked at me in shock, I quickly stood up and looked at the brunette man.

"I'm sorry, you're so pale I thought you were a zombie." He said as I chuckled awkwardly.

"Hah well you know, hard to get nourishment in the apocalypse." I replied as he looked at me suspiciously.

"You've got no weapons on you, how have you made it through here alive? There's zombies everywhere." He said as I looked at him trying to come up with an excuse.

"Just the usual fist to fist you know?" I said laughing again, he didn't look convinced.

"Please don't kill me! I'll explain everything just please don't kill me!" I shouted as he looked at me in shock, he slowly lowered his gun as I caught my breath.

"No sudden movements." He said as I nodded and kept my hands up.

"You better start talking, because I've just found you looking half dead in the middle of an apocalypse. My best guess is you're infected and it hasn't taken it's full effect yet." He grumbled gripping his gun.

"Well you're partly right. But it hasn't taken full effect in over a year so I kinda gave up waiting." I chuckled nervously with my hands still up in front of me.
He looked at me in even more confusion.

"I don't know why, when the apocalypse started I was infected. I thought I would die or turn into one of those mindless monsters. But I didn't, it started effecting my skin but never my mind." I tried to explain, I saw his hand loosen on the gun, surely that was a good sign.

"That's impossible, not even Doctor Strange could beat the virus, how could just a random human beat it?" He asked as I slowly lowered my hands and looked away from him.

"I don't know, trust me I question that every single day I'm alive, well not alive." I muttered sighing softly.

"I haven't spent a whole fucking year in a sketchy tent freezing my ass off on the cold ground to just get killed by a fucking human." I growled turning angry all of a sudden, I think that's when he saw I wasn't exactly a threat and I was telling the truth.

"I can help you, get you somewhere safe. But the people I'm with are the left over avengers." He said as I looked down at his arm to see metal. Only then did it click for me.

"Oh god, you're James Barnes. No hell no the avengers will kill me! They'll take one look at me and shoot me dead." I said as he sighed softly, he knew I was right.

"Shit, I can't just leave you out here. I can sneak you into the base we have, I've got my own room so you can stay in there and I can help you out." He said as I sighed, it was so risky.

"Maybe we can try to explain it, or maybe you have like a cell to lock me in if your team feels really scared I don't know. Just the thought of hiding in a room feels worse then surviving out in the forest." I muttered as he thought for a moment.

"Alright, I'll take you back with me. I'll try to explain it to them, maybe Bruce can do tests to show the disease isn't moving." He suggested as I nodded.

"Yeah, okay that could be a plan. Also I'm Y/N." I said holding out my hand but he hesitated.

"Oh right." I muttered pulling it away before he chuckled and held out his metal hand letting me shake it.

"Bucky." He responded as I nodded.
We began walking and Bucky had his weapon ready, he watched zombies in the distance but was confused when they weren't advancing on us.

"Why aren't they coming towards us?" He asked.

"Well, cause they sense me as one of them and they sense a human and a zombie in one place they think you're my food so they stay away. Plus I think I'm like queen bee in zombie world cause I can make them do stuff it's great." I said as he looked at me in what I assumed was anger.

"They used to be people and you play with their dead bodies?" He asked stopping me from walking.

"Exactly, they used to be people. They're just walking flesh now, I can use them to have fun or protect myself. Don't get all high and mighty on me Mr. Avenger. We're in an apocalypse, just be glad I don't eat you." I responded making him roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He grumbled beginning to walk again.

"We've all got ways of handling trauma." I muttered as he walked beside me silently.
We made it back to an old motorbike. He hopped on the front then handed me his helmet.
He hesitated before getting on the bike.

"If you scratch me will I..." He muttered as I chuckled.

"No, I'm not infectious. I accidentally scratched a lot of people, all they got was a cut." I said as he nodded and hopped onto the bike while I placed the helmet on, I got on behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
I couldn't help but sigh, even through his thick leather jacket and clothes I could still feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat. Something I hadn't hurt or felt in a very long time.
We must've been moving but all I could focus on was his heartbeat and warmth. Not in the zombie way of I wanted to eat it, just in the way of it had been so fucking long since I'd felt a humans body.
The bike stopped and I looked up to see we were in front of a small bunker and a door.
I took the helmet off and handed it back to him.

"The Avengers live here?" I muttered as he looked at me and chuckled.

"Yes, but this is just the elevator." He said as I looked at him impressed.
He lead me inside and then into a closet that was actually an elevator.

"Okay this is fucking cool as shit!" I shouted making him chuckle softly.
We descended before the doors opened revealing a massive underground base that looked like the inside of a futuristic spaceship.

"Holy fuck! This is amazing!" I shouted before I heard a gun click, I looked up to see the black widow pointing a gun at me.

"Didn't think you were so desperate you'd find a zombie to have sex with Barnes." She said as I put my hands up again.

"Jesus Nat, relax." Bucky said stepping in front of me.

"Put the gun down." He demanded as she lowered it.

"Want to explain why you've brought home a very infected souvenir?" She said sarcastically as I peaked out from behind Bucky.

"It's okay I'm not gonna infect anyone." I muttered as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Nice story." She growled as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay maybe this wasn't the best idea." I said glancing at Bucky.


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