Platonic Bucky

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You were still pretty new to the team, you hadn't even been through the blip or thanos with them.
You weren't exactly apart of the team, Tony thought it was a good idea to hire a psychologist and you needed somewhere to live because you were hunted by a few certain criminals.
So, in order for protection and somewhere to live you'd use your psychology degree for something good. And living at the Avengers base outside of the city wasn't exactly a bad idea.
Before this you worked in a prison as a psychologist and you knew what you'd prefer.
You'd become pretty close with Bucky, you were pretty good at seperating him from patient and friend.
You were headed to the kitchen when you heard Nat and Bucky.
It sounded like they were arguing.
They'd dated off and on for years but once everything was over they decided to be in a relationship, but you weren't sure if it was the best idea.
But that wasn't your decision, still you did something that may not have been the best idea, you listened to their argument.

"Nat, I'm sorry. I'm trying, I'm trying really hard. This is the first little bit of peace I've had since the 20s, I had a bit of peace in Wakanda but other than that I've just gone from fight to fight. I'm so used to just being a machine and following orders... I'm not sure how to live a normal life." Bucky said as you smiled a little, you were proud of him for being able to communicate his feelings so well.

"I understand that, Buck. Everything is complicated right now, maybe we should put off a relationship until we've learnt to be in this world." Nat suggested, honestly you agreed that it was a good idea.

"Maybe that is a good idea, I care about you a lot, Nat. But I can barely even take care of myself right now and you deserve someone to take care of you as well." He said as you heard a moment of silence and looked around the corner to see them hugging, making you smile a little.
Once you knew Nat had left you poked your head out a little.

"Eavesdropping now, doctor?" Bucky said as you chuckled a little.

"Sorry, I only heard the end of it and I didn't want to interrupt." You said as he smiled.

"It's okay, I don't mind. I think it's all for the best though." Bucky said as you returned his smile.

"If it means anything, I'm proud of you for setting boundaries." You said making him chuckle.

"Thanks, Doc." He responded as you went into the fridge to start lunch.

"Want to join me for lunch?" You asked as he sighed.

"I'm actually going to go have some time alone, I'll come see you later." He said before he left.
You prepared a sandwich for yourself and sat down at the table, sighing.

"Hey, doc!" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Tony entering.

"Tony, you can call me by my name." You said as he chuckled, grabbed some leftovers and sat across from you.

"Doc sounds so much better though." He said making you laugh softly.

"Hows everything with Morgan?" You asked as you both ate together.

You and Tony talked for about an hour until you decided to go get fresh air.
You found Bucky near the water and walked up to him.

"Hey." You called out as he looked behind and smiled.

"Hey, doc." He said making you chuckle.

"How are you feeling after everything?" You asked, standing beside him.

"Honestly, I feel like a weight has been lifted. I love Natasha, but it's not fair to either of us to try and fix ourselves and support the other, you know?" He said making you smile.

"I completely understand that. Don't worry, I won't charge you for this chat." You said making him laugh.

"You suck." He said making you laugh along with him.

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