Hydra Stucky x reader

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You sat in your cell watching the soldiers even breathing as he slept, you weren't a fan of sleeping. You napped every now and then but you hated the nightmares.
The soldier was sort of like your 'handler' in Hydra, you were basically just a pet.
Steve Rogers was one of the leaders, luckily he had a soft spot for you and the soldier. He still tortured you but it wasn't as bad as the other leaders.
You heard a noise and looked up to see the soldier slowly waking up.
You waited until he sat up and looked at you.

"Good morning." You muttered as he stared at you unamused.

"Up, get dressed. Steve will be here any minute." He grumbled as you nodded and quickly stood up. You grabbed your usual Hydra uniform and quickly got dressed into it.
The soldier did the same before sitting and waiting for Steve.
Eventually he showed up and unlocked the cell door before stepping in.

"My soldier, how are you this morning?" Steve asked as the soldier looked up with his usual dead eyes.

"And his little pet?" Steve said turning to you as you smiled a little.

"I'm well, Sir." You replied making him smile, he walked over to you and gently ran his finger over your cheek.

"I have a very special mission for you today, lovely." He said as you looked at him in confusion, you never went out on missions.
What was he planning?

"What could she possibly offer?" The soldier growled making Steve chuckle.

"Oh, you'll see soldier. Let's get going." He said as you nodded and followed him out.
Along the way you cast the soldier a nervous look but you knew he wouldn't care either way.
You couldn't help being nervous, Steve was being nicer than usual.
You followed him until you were in the science lab, where they experimented on victims.

"S-Sir, what is the mission?" You asked nervously as Steve turned to you and smiled.

"Well, I have a new serum I need to experiment and I know you'll be perfect for it." He said as you felt yourself tearing up.

"Oh, doll. It's okay to be nervous, I have high hopes for you and I know this will work. Soldier, strap her in." He said as The soldier grabbed your arm roughly and shoved you into the god awful chair.
They restrained your hands to the chair and strapped things over your chest as your tears slowly escaped.

"Soldier, I'm scared." You whispered to him as he looked down at you.

"Now you'll know what I go through." He growled as you closed your eyes and tried to hide your tears.
Steve placed a helmet over your head as you began to cry.

"Please don't do this." You whispered as Steve leant forward and gently kissed your cheek.

"Shh, doll. It's going to be okay, we're both going to stay by your side." He said as you nodded.
He strapped a muzzle around your mouth as you closed your eyes as tightly as you could.
Your opened your eyes once more when you felt pain in your left arm, you saw Steve injecting you with something.
He stood back and flipped a switch on the machine attached to the helmet.
It sent powerful electrical surges through your head and out your feet.
You screamed as loud as you could, the muzzle only dulling a small part of it.
You'd never felt pain like it, all you wanted was something or someone safe to hold you and tell you it would be okay.
But looking up at Steve and the soldier you knew you were far from it.
It finally stopped and your body collapsed against the chair, tears streamed down your face as small red lines began forming in the whites of your eyes.
You cried out and tried to break free of the restraints but you were too weak.

"Little doll is stronger than I thought, I thought she would've been unconscious in the first second." Steve said as he gently wiped away your tears.
You shook your head and cried out as he smiled again.

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