Avengers - Overreaction

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(just a Lil one to comfort myself because cry)

You were on a small mission when you tripped and cut open your knee.
You hissed in pain and tried to keep your cool.

"Steve? I cut my leg." You whispered, trying to not cry.
Bucky was on his first mission with you, Steve and Tony.

"Hang on, doll. I'll be there in a minute." Steve said, Bucky noticed Steve's voice had changed. It went from commanding to comforting and he didn't understand why, it was only a small cut.
Bucky came out with Steve to see you on the ground holding your knee.
Steve knelt down to you and took your hand away to see the wound.

"It's okay, angel. You'll be okay let's get you back to the jet, okay?" Steve said gently picking you up.


You made it back to the tower and Bruce had stitched up your knee.

Bucky was confused by your reaction.
You'd only cut open your knee and it needed some stitching, Bucky couldn't see why you were crying or why Steve had to comfort you so much.
He walked over to the couch where you were asleep on Steve's lap.

"It was only a small cut, I don't understand why everyone is treating her like she is dying." Bucky grumbled as Steve sighed and looked up at him.

"Buck, Y/N is very different from us. Sometimes what seems small for us can be really big for her." Steve explained as Bucky sat down across from him.

"Why?" He questioned as Steve played with your hair.

"She has a lot of trauma." Steve replied as Bucky looked at him with confusion.

"I went through shit with Hydra and it didn't make me like that." Bucky said making Steve sigh once more.
He knew Bucky wasn't trying to be mean he genuinely didn't understand.

"Your trauma happened while you were an adult, most of Y/N's was when she was a child. She would be tortured over and over and not allowed to make a sound or complaint. So, when she came to us and realised we were safe she could let her inner child out. She craved a lot of recognition and care, so when she gets hurt her mind reverts. She cries because she was never allowed to and now that she feels safe around us she can let it out. If she gets hurt we all rally around her to make sure she feels safe and taken care of." Steve explained as Bucky looked down at you.

"I suppose that makes sense. I'm sorry I was so clueless." Bucky muttered as Steve smiled.

"It's okay, Bucky. It'll take a little while to learn the ins and outs of this place." Steve said making Bucky smile in return.

"Thanks, Steve."

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