Yandere Tony Stark

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(platonic yandere)

Tony sat on your bed watching you sleep peacefully, he didn't know what had gotten into him.
Ever since you'd joined the team he'd become protective and possessive of you.
He just couldn't imagine life without you anymore, he always wanted a daughter.
Was it crazy for him to think of you like his daughter?
He looked at you and gently reached forward brushing the hair out of your face.

"I'll make sure to love you like no one ever has." He whispered as you stirred a little.
He quickly backed away and out of your room, it was best you didn't know he was there.


You woke up the next morning and stumbled downstairs to see it was just Steve awake.

"You're up early." He commented as you yawned and went straight for the coffee.

"I had a nightmare so I thought it was just best to get up." You muttered pouring fresh coffee into your favourite cup.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as you looked down at your cup.

"Just the usual." You muttered as he nodded and you sat next to him.

"What are your plans for the day, Cap?" You asked as he chuckled softly.

"Nothing too exciting." He replied making you nod in response.
You sat and watched TV until you heard a noise and saw Tony walking down the stairs.
He saw you and instantly felt at ease watching you laugh at the TV.

"Hey, Tony! Want me to make you a coffee?" You asked making him smile.

"That would be great, kid." He replied before sitting at the kitchen table beside Steve.

"You only keep Y/N on the team because she makes you coffee." Steve said jokingly as you laughed.

"It's definitely a bonus." Tony commented before you came over and gave him his favourite coffee.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart." He said making you smile as you sat back down on the couch.
Steve left eventually and Tony decided to sit next to you to finish his coffee.

"Did you have any nightmares?" He asked as you hugged your knees to your chest and nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently placing his hand on your knee.

"It was about my father." You whispered. He hated your father more than anything in this world.
That man wasn't your father, he was a monster.
Tony could take care of you so much better.

"He was a terrible man, Y/N. He will never hurt you again, you have my word." Tony said as you smiled and leaned onto his shoulder.

"I have you guys as my family now." You whispered as Tony smiled and wrapped an arm around you.

"And we'll protect you with our lives, sweetheart." He replied making you smile in return and close your eyes.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? I can set up a mattress." You whispered shyly as Tony smiled, you were finally relying on him and trusting him and he'd never felt better.

"You can sleep on my bed if you want. It's a super king bed so there's plenty of room. Only if you're comfortable." He suggested as you smiled softly.

"Only if you're okay with it." You replied shyly.

"I'd be more than happy to keep you safe."


The day went on and Tony had some work to do. As much as he hated not spending time with you he knew he had to distance himself.
He knew he was getting possessive but he didn't know if he could stop it.
He stepped out to the main room and saw you sitting and talking to Steve.
You were leant up against him and Tony felt anger rising in his chest.
He knew it was wrong to be jealous that maybe you saw Steve as a father figure.
He walked over to you and sat on the opposite couch, pouting.

"You okay, Tony?" Steve asked as you looked up from the TV.

"I'm fine." Tony grumbled as you sat up.

"You look upset." You commented with a worried voice.

"I'm fine, Y/N." He grumbled as you looked away sadly.
Tony looked at you and panicked.
He'd made you upset and that's the last thing he wanted.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I was just a bit on edge from working in the lab, you didn't do anything." He said as you smiled a little.

"Do you want me to come help?" You asked making him smile.

"I would love that." He replied knowing this would be the best way to get you away from Steve.
You followed him back into the elevator and down to his lab.

"So, what are you having issues with?" You asked looking around his lab.

"Do you look at Steve as a father figure?" He muttered not looking at you as you looked at him in confusion.

"No, not really. He's protective of me 'cause I'm younger but I kind of see him like an older brother or best friend more than anything." You explained as Tony looked at you and nodded.

"Do you see anyone as a father figure?" He asked quietly as you looked at him.

"Well... I suppose you're the closest thing I have to a father figure. You protect me and take care of me and you're nothing like my real father." You said looking away from him shyly.
Tony felt himself smile with pride.

"I'm glad you see me like that, you deserve someone that you can trust and that will protect you." Tony said coming closer to you.
He gently wrapped his arms around you and you smiled, wrapping yours around his waist.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Tony." You whispered feeling him stroke his hand through your hair.
He wanted more than anything for you to call him Dad but it was too early to even suggest it.

Once you and Tony had tinkered around his lab you went back upstairs with him.

"Oh, also I should probably let you know that I have a date with a boy on the weekend." You said in the elevator as he looked at you in shock but mainly anger.

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?" He muttered trying to keep his anger under control.

"Well, you work a lot, it all just came about so quickly." You said a little nervously as Tony stopped the elevator making you look at him in shock.

"T-Tony?" You muttered looking at him with fear.

"I don't want you dating anyone." He muttered as you looked at him in confusion.

"I don't understand, why do you care?" You muttered in a small voice.

"Because you're my daughter and I have to protect you!" He shouted making you look at him in shock and slowly back away from him.

"What?" You muttered as he looked directly into your eyes.

"No one has ever been there for you, you need someone. To tell you what's right and wrong and that's me, understood?" He said stalking closer to you as you looked up at him in fear.

"I don't understand what's happening Tony. You're scaring me." You whispered looking away from him.

"Is that what it's going to take to make you listen? Do I have to scare you?" He growled lowly standing in front of you as you held your breath.

"I'm not your daughter." You whispered as he chuckled softly.

"That's not your choice, Y/N." He whispered not knowing what overtook him, but this was the only way to keep you safe.

"I have to keep you safe, Y/N." He whispered as you felt a tear in your eye.

"I'm sorry, I just love you so much. And I have to protect you." He said as you shook your head.

"Please don't do this, Tony." You whispered as he reached up to hold your face softly.

"Shh, you're going to be safe now, babygirl. I'll take care of you."

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