Bucky - Zombie/Part 2

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"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you in your zombie head." Nat growled as Bucky quickly stepped in front of me.

"Because she isn't infectious and the infection isn't advancing. We're still trying to figure all of it out but I promise she isn't a threat." Bucky said in your defence as Nat chuckled.

"She's probably just lying to you, Barnes. So she's got somewhere to eat when she finally turns." Nat growled as you rolled your eyes and grabbed Bucky's flesh arm and scratched it making him flinch.

"What the fuck did you just do!?" Nat shouted before you hid behind Bucky again.

"Look at the scratch, it's just a scratch. It isn't turning black or any zombie shit." You said as Bucky held his arm out for Nat to see.

"Fine, bring her to Bruce. He can see if it's true or not." Nat said as you sighed in relief, just glad you didn't have a bullet in your head.
You followed closely behind Bucky as Nat led you through hallways as you looked around.

"I'm glad Tony Stark didn't turn into a zombie, wouldn't have all this cool stuff without him." You muttered as Nat shot you a death glare.
Bucky nudged you and you looked up at him.

"Think before you speak." He said as you looked away.

"Sorry." You muttered quietly.
You continued on in silence before making it to the infirmary.

"Bruce, we need your help." Nat said as Bruce turned around and laid eyes on you.
There was sadness in his eyes.

"You know I can't stop the infection once it's started." Bruce said with remorse in his voice.

"That's actually not why we're here. Y/N was infected over a year ago, it never progressed. We need you to look into it." Bucky explained as Bruce came over to you and looked over you.

"I-I change my mind, I don't want to be here." You muttered backing away before Bucky stopped you.

"Y/N it's okay, you don't need to be afraid." Bucky said as you looked up at him and nodded.
It only just dawned on him that you hadn't had any social interaction in over a year, that's why you were scared and also had low empathy.

"It's nothing to invasive don't worry." Bruce said as you took a deep breath and nodded.
Bruce led you to sit on a bed as he began to examine your skin and eyes.
Nat had left but Bucky stayed with you.

"And we figured out that if she scratches or bites someone it doesn't infect them." Bucky said as Bruce nodded.

"Would you be okay if I took a sample of your blood?" Bruce asked as you nodded hesitantly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just a bit scared of needles." You muttered as he offered you a soft smile.

"You can hold onto me if that helps." Bucky said sitting beside you and hold his flesh hand out to you.
You smiled and held his hand and Bruce prepared the needles.

"I'm sorry I was a bit harsh on you before, it took a while for me to realise how long you'd gone without even talking to someone." Bucky said as you looked up at him and smiled.

"It's okay, I just need to remember to not randomly blurt stuff out. It's just hard to remember how to act." You muttered looking away from him.

"It's okay, I understand. I'll try to be more understanding." He said making you smile once more.
Bruce came over with the needle you you quickly turned away and closed your eyes.

"Small pinch." He muttered as you felt the needle sink into your skin.
You yelp a little and hid your face on Bucky's chest.

"It's alright, almost done." Bucky said rubbing your back as Bruce drew your blood.
Once he was finally done, Bucky helped you to calm down while Bruce ran your blood through the system.

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