Steve - Faerie

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Steve was dreading his visit to Stark's Kingdom.
Tony was a good man but maybe not a good leader, sometimes he became selfish and greedy for power and money. But none the less Steve didn't have a choice, it was a part of his duties as a prince and the next in line.
It was three days of travel to Stark's kingdom. By the time he arrived he was more than happy to see the giant lavish castle.
He was greeted at the gates by Tony's guardsmen and then eventually saw Tony at the entrance to the castle.

"I take it you and your men would love some food and a drink." Tony said as Steve chuckled and hugged his old friend.
They all went inside and Tony let everyone feed themselves.
They caught up on their usual business and Tony gave Steve a tour of the castle.

"And of course there's the dungeons, but I take it you don't want to see them." Tony said as Steve's eyes widened.

"What do you need dungeons for? I thought you would've gotten rid of them years ago when everyone else did." Steve said as Tony chuckled.

"Well, we don't keep peasants down there. It's mainly just creatures that threaten me and my kingdom." Tony said as Steve looked at him with even more confusion.

"What do you mean by creatures?" Steve asked in curiosity as Tony smirked.

"Well, since you ask so nicely Steve. Why don't I show you my collection?" Tony replied, Steve was hesitant but he always wanted to know what Tony was doing.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look." Steve said trying to keep a convincing smile.
He followed Tony down man spiral stairs until they reached the bottom. It looked like Tony was holding these creatures with some sort of magic.

"I had a witch help me build these cells, so the creatures could never escape. Now, let me show you my most prized possession." Tony said as they made their way past all the cells, Steve looked at all the poor creatures who's fate was to perish in darkness underneath a castle.
They reached the end where there was a giant wooden and golden door.
Tony pressed his hand to the door as it glowed and opened for him.
Steve was presented with a large golden bubble around a single being.
You looked up and your yellow eyes met Steve's. He couldn't take his eyes off your beautiful and magical form.

"Who is she?" Steve muttered looking into your beautiful but fear filled eyes.

"She's a faerie, don't be tricked by her beauty. Her kind are monsters, they kill humans and feed off their energy. She's one of the most powerful ones out there, we use her magic to run some things in the castle. Her magic keeps these cells going." Tony said as Steve stepped closer, he watched you flinch a little at the sudden movement.

"Does it hurt her?" Steve asked as Tony chuckled.

"I forgot how much you care about these things. She barely feels it anymore, just makes her weak. Which is good, means she can't escape." Tony replied, Steve felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"How long have you kept her here?" Steve asked still not taking his eyes off you.

"It's only been about five years, I'm not letting her go though, so don't get any ideas." Tony said before walking away.

"You coming, Steve?" Tony called out as Steve nodded.
He cast one last glance at you before leaving and closing the door.

"Let's go drink."

Steve lay awake that night thinking about the 'dangerous creature' he had seen. Maybe it was all a trick, but Steve could see the heartache in your eyes and the fear.
He knew Tony was a complicated man but he didn't think he would be so cold hearted as to keep an innocent person in a cell for years.
So maybe you weren't innocent.
He sighed and closed his eyes hoping he would eventually fall asleep.

"Steve." He heard his name being called as he opened his eyes to see he was standing in a dark forest in the middle of the night.
He looked behind to see you.

"I'm Y/N." You said cautiously stepping forward.

"You're the faerie in the cell. Where are we?" He asked as you looked into his eyes.

"We're inside a dream, it was the only way I could talk to you. When you looked at me, I saw something in your eyes. You saw me as more than just an object or a pet in a cage. I don't want to be locked up anymore, it's been so long. I didn't harm anyone, Tony found me injured just outside of the castle walls and imprisoned me. My kind outcast me and tried to kill me for my power. I need your help." You said as he looked into your eyes once more.

"How do I know I can trust you?" He asked as you walked forward so you were completely in front of him.

"Open your mind to me, and I will open mine to yours. That way there will be no secrets and you can trust me." You said holding out your hand as Steve cautiously reached forward to hold your hand.
Once your hands were connected you closed your eyes and focused your power. Steve saw into your mind, all of your feelings, all of your emotions and all of your memories and you did the same with him.
Seeing every aspect of each other's lives. Once you were done you let go of his hand.

"I'll help you, Y/N." Steve said with tears in his eyes as you smiled and leapt forward to hug him tightly.

"Thank you, Steve. I have to go now, I don't have enough power left. But, I'll see you again soon." You said as he nodded and smiled.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N."

Steve awoke the next morning knowing he needed a plan.
He knew Tony wouldn't be able to help, he'd seen that Tony would always choose power over moral.
Somehow he needed to get into your cell and take down the barrier, but for that he would need someone that wielded magic.
Wanda was the one that had helped him build the cells so he knew he couldn't trust her, she was a dark witch after all.
There had to be someone else in this kingdom that could help. There was one man that came to mind, but that would practically mean making a deal with the devil.
Steve sighed and rested his head in his hands. Asking Loki wasn't an option.
But maybe you could help, you still had a small bit of power, enough to go into Steve's dreams so surely with Steve on your side you could help from inside.
Steve had an idea, he needed Tony's DNA to get into the cell, surely a piece of hair would be enough.
He sighed and got up getting dressed and ventured out into the castle halls, making his way to Tony's room with a blade in his hand.
There weren't any guards outside of Tony's door thankfully.
He crept inside and saw Tony fast asleep, probably drunk. He walked up to him and slowly cut away a piece of his hair before getting out of his room as quickly as possible.
He sighed in relief and made his way down to the dungeons, praying this would work.
He came to the entrance of your cell and held up Tony's hair, sighing in relief when it worked.
He stepped inside to see you the same as before.

"Y/N." He said making you looked up and smile.

"Steve, you came back." You whispered making him smile in return.

"I was thinking about how I would be able to get you out of here. Would you be able to help me from inside?" He asked as you thought for a moment.

"It may be a bit gruesome but I have an idea. If I wound myself it will weaken me, therefore weakening the cells. And with your help you could take even more of the energy away from the cell and I could get out." You said standing up on your weak legs.

"Is that the only way?" He asked as you nodded.

"Unfortunately." You muttered before you grabbed a stray stone in your cell and ran the sharp edge down your arm, cutting the skin.
You hissed in pain and the bubble around your cell dulled a little.

"O-Okay, place your hands on the bubble. It may hurt a little but it won't be for long." You said stepping up to the front where Steve was, he nodded and placed his hands on the bubble groaning in pain.
You took a deep breath and ran full force towards the bubble. You crashed through it and fell to the floor, the wall zapping even more of your power making you weaker.

"You did it." You whispered as Steve quickly rushed to your side.

"You know, I thought you were better than this, Steve." You both heard a voice say as you looked up to see Tony,your blood ran cold.

"I don't care, Tony. She's innocent." Steve said as a Tony chuckled.

"You're pathetic, Steve."

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