Avengers - White Walls And Blue Pills

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You felt so heavy and numb, you cried out to the best of your ability and tried to move, but you couldn't.

"Shh, it's okay. Poor little thing." You heard a voice whisper as you looked up to see a blonde doctor.

"W-Where...where." You stuttered out as he ran a hand over your cheek.

"You're in the ward, remember? You had a bit of an accident, so we had to give you some medicine." He said in a soft voice as you groaned again.

"Ward? What do you mean?" You asked as he sighed and brushed his hand through your hair.

"Oh, doll. It's okay, it's just the medicine wearing off." He whispered as you closed your eyes and enjoyed his affection.
You couldn't remember anything.

"I'm scared." You whispered as he smiled softly.

"No need to be afraid." He said before you heard the sound of a door opening.

"Steve, I told you to stop coddling her." A voice said as you looked to your left to see a short brunette man with sunglasses and a suit.

"I know, I just can't help it. I hate when she's in pain." Steve said looking up with guilt.

"She disobeyed us, she doesn't deserve affection." Tony growled as he stood over you and looked down.

"I didn't do anything wrong." You whispered as he chuckled dryly.

"So starting a fight with us and hurting Steve isn't wrong?" He growled as you looked at him in confusion.

"I didn't do any of that! I don't even know where I am." You cried out as Tony gestured to Steve.

"I-I can't give her any more sedatives, the other one is still wearing off." Steve said, you could see how nervous he was.

"Fine, take her to her room and put the jacket on." He growled before leaving, Steve nodded and released the restraints from your arms.
He gently picked you up from the bed and carried you out.

"I'll have to put the jacket on again, it'll make it easier if you just take a nap." He said as you nodded and didn't fight against him.
You eventually made it back to a room, you looked around to see it was completely padded, there wasn't even a bed.
Steve gently placed you down and grabbed the straight jacket that was hanging on the wall.

"Just stay still, okay?" Steve whispered as you nodded.
He began to strap it onto you as you sat still for him.
Now and then you would whine a little when he would pull it tightly.

"It's uncomfortable." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"I know, doll. It'll only be for an hour or two. Tony just thinks you need some time out after what happened." Steve replied in a whisper as you nodded.

"How did I hurt you?" You asked while he finished.

"You just bit me on the arm, that's it, love." He said as you looked down away from him.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as Steve brushed your hair away from your face.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Sometimes things get too much for you." He said softly making you smile.
You barely had any memories, but this man put you at ease

"Get some rest, okay?" He said standing up and leaving you on the floor.

"Bye, Steve."


You decided it was best to listen to Steve and just nap.
You jolted awake when your door was opened.
You looked up to see a man in a straight jacket like you.
They shoved him inside and you looked at him in confusion.

"Think of this as punishment." Tony said before slamming the door closed.
You looked at the man who panted and tried to catch his breath.

"Hi." You whispered as he looked up and glared at you.

"Y/N, for fuck sake." He growled as you furrowed your brows.

"Do we know each other?" You asked as he chuckled dryly.

"Steve really must've done a number on you." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"He told me I got out of hand, that's all." You said as he looked at you.

"I don't even know why I'm in this ward." You whispered noticing his face fell.

"They erased everything." He whispered as you looked at him again.

"What? What do you mean?" You asked as he sat against the wall.

"This isn't a ward, Y/N. It's a simulation by Shield. You and I were Hydra agents and we got caught. So they put us in this fucked up simulation created by Tony Stark to try and get information out of us." He said as you looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? No that's...I don't understand." You whispered as he looked at you with pity.

"You were never really the brightest, especially in Hydra. Too emotional." He said as you felt tears in your eyes.

"I want to get out." You whispered as he rolled his eyes.

"Not this shit again, you always fuck this up for me." He growled as you stood up and began to panic.

"Let me out!" You screamed as you slammed yourself against the door.

"Let me out!" You screamed again before the door burst open.
You screamed and fell back, Steve and two others came in as you screamed and backed away.

"I know what this is! Get away from me!" You screamed as Steve looked down at you.

"Y/N, don't make this any harder than it needs to be." Steve said as the two men grabbed you.

"No! Let me go! Please!" You screamed as you thrashed in their grip.
Steve reached forward with a needle and you bit down on his hand. He gasped in pain and ripped his hand away before grabbing you again and injecting the needle into your neck.

"Let me out... Please."


You felt so heavy and numb, you cried out to the best of your ability and tried to move, but you couldn't.

"Shh, it's okay. Poor little thing." You heard a voice whisper as you looked up to see a blonde doctor.

"W-Where...where." You stuttered out as he ran a hand over your cheek.

"You're in the ward, remember? You had a bit of an accident, so we had to give you some medicine." He said in a soft voice as you groaned again.

"Ward? What do you mean?" You asked as he sighed and brushed his hand through your hair.

"Oh, doll. It's okay, it's just the medicine wearing off." He whispered as you closed your eyes and enjoyed his affection.
You couldn't remember anything.

"I'm scared." You whispered as he smiled softly.

"No need to be afraid." He said before you heard the sound of a door opening.

"Steve, I told you to stop coddling her." A voice said as you looked to your left to see a short brunette man with sunglasses and a suit.

"I know, I just can't help it. I hate when she's in pain." Steve said looking up with guilt.

"She disobeyed us, she doesn't deserve affection." Tony growled as he stood over you and looked down.

"I didn't do anything wrong." You whispered as he chuckled dryly.

"So starting a fight with us and hurting Steve isn't wrong?" He growled as you looked at him in confusion.
Then your eyes widened.

"Wait." You whispered as you looked up at Steve.

"This isn't real."

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