Bucky - Brainwash

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(Sex, abuse, manipulation, alpha/omega au, this is so fuckin messy, I have vertigo right now don't judge me)

You were asleep inside your small room when your metal door was ripped open.
You looked up and saw three guards rushing in, they grabbed you roughly as you yelped a little bit. They brought you out and you saw Steve.

"Sir?" You muttered as he reached forward and ran his hand over your cheek.

"It's come to my attention that there's a traitor in my ranks and while I know you would never betray me there are some things I need to make sure of." He said as they dragged you along behind Steve.
When you finally reached your destination the guards threw you inside while Steve grabbed you and sat you down at a metal table.

"Did I upset you, sir?" You muttered looking down at the table.

"Not one bit, doll. But I have to rule out every possibility. Now, stay still." He said coming towards you with a needle, you instantly tilted your neck to the side and made him chuckle.

"Such a good girl." He praised brushing your hair away from your neck before injecting the liquid into your neck.

"Now this, my sweet girl, is going to make sure you tell the truth." He said before sitting across from you.

"Do you love me?" He asked tilting his head as you nodded.

"Of course, alpha. I love you more than anything, I just want to be perfect for you and make you proud." You said making him smile.

"Do you ever think about running away?" He asked as you looked at him in shock.

"Never! I would never even think about it." You replied watching Steve smile wickedly.

"Would you do anything for me, baby girl?" He asked as you saw him reach down to press his palm against his crotch.

"Of course, master. Anything you ask of." You replied making him smile.

"That's what I thought, angel. Now come here." He whispered patting his lap as you obediently stood up and went over to him.
You straddled his waist feeling him run his hands up your legs.

"I knew you would never betray me." He whispered leaning in to kiss your neck softly.

Steve led you out of the interrogation room about 40 minutes later after releasing all of his pent-up emotions on you.
But you didn't mind, you were glad he was happy.

"Go back to my room and sleep, there are things I need to sort out." He demanded playing with your hair as you nodded.

"Of course, sir." You replied obediently walking away.
Steve's second in command came up to Steve.

"Maybe we should get you someone like Y/N. You could do with releasing some of that tension." Steve said chuckling as Bucky's face didn't show any emotion.

"Oh come on, Buck. Have some fun. Don't you want a little thing like mine to fuck?" Steve said as Bucky glared at him.

"She's not an object, she's your omega." He grumbled making Steve's face fall.

"That's what she is, Buck. She's my toy and you'll be the same if you keep talking back." Steve warned as Bucky looked away in submission.

"That's what I thought." Steve growled before they both walked away.

Back in Steve's room, you were laying in his bed waiting for him to come back.
When he did return you perked up like a happy puppy and ran to him making him chuckle.
He held your face in his hand and kissed your forehead.

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