Avengers - Hope

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(Just a little short one to ease back into all of this again after going crazy and coming back lol)


"Y/N L/N."


"250 years."


"Mind control, energy manipulation and mind reading."

"Well, seems like you could be very useful to us Y/N. But I don't think you would be good as a Shield agent. My friend Tony may have a place for you, his team is more like you." The bald eye patch man said as you nodded looking at him with no emotion.

"I thought you would be more resistant." The man said as you still stared at him.

"My master programmed me to make sure I had no emotions and always obeyed." You replied as he nodded feeling a little awkward.

"Well, I'll give my friend a call. I know you were very loyal to your master." The man said as you looked up at him while he stood.

"My chapter with him has ended sir. I'm not sad about something I can't control." You replied as he looked around awkwardly and nodded leaving to room to make the call.
You sat and stared at the wall waiting for the man to return.
When he did he smiled.

"Good news, Tony wants to adopt you." He said, as you nodded.

"I sense you're joking but it means he will take me in." You said as he nodded as well.

"You can come out here and wait, Tony and Steve are coming to pick you up." He replied as you stood up and followed him out of the interrogation room.
You walked with him until you were out to the front of the base where there was a couch by the door.

"Just wait here, they'll be here soon." He said as you nodded and sat down.
You sat up straight on the soft couch and watched outside the glass doors waiting for a car to pull up.
You wondered what your new life would look like, would you still be following orders?
After about twenty minutes of thinking you watched a black modern car pull up and two men step out of the car.
They entered and saw you and gave you a smile.

"You must be Y/N." The blonde haired man said as you stood up and held your hand out for them to shake.
He shook your hand as he smiled.

"I'm Steve and this is Tony. It's nice to meet you." He said as you nodded to him but your face remained stoic.

"Come on kid, we'll get going. We can get some food on the way." Tony said smiling and leading you out to the car.
You sat in the back and looked out the window.

"It will be interesting to see the city, I haven't seen it for myself for a while." You muttered as Steve smiled softly, Fury had warned them about you having no emotions. But he ensured them you weren't a danger anymore.

"I'm sure it's change quite a bit since the last time you were there. What kind of food do you want?" Tony asked turning around to look at you.

"I will eat whatever you two wish to have." You replied as Tony nodded.

"Shawarma's it is!" He said as Steve started the car and began to drive.
You silently sat in the back of the car and watched all of the buildings past as the two men talked to each other in the front seat.

"How old are you?" Steve asked looking at you through the rear view mirror.

"250 years old, I'm part human. The other part is demon, hence why I stay alive for so long." You explained as the two men nodded.

"Well, I'm 100 years old so I suppose I'm a bit older than other humans." Steve said chuckling a little as you tried your best to smile but it looked more like you were trying to threaten them.
They pulled up to a small takeaway shop and helped you out of the car. You followed them inside the busy place and looked around at all the people going about their lives.

"I forgot how much humans like to gorge themselves on food." You muttered watching them eat food.

"What would you like to eat?" Steve asked as you looked up at the menu.
It all looked disgusting.

"Perhaps some of the um fries and a chicken burger." You muttered tilting your head, you hadn't eaten anything like this before.

"How about a drink?" He asked as you looked at him in confusion.

"I'll just get you a coke." He said before going up to order the meals for the three of you.
You stood back and waited for them, you didn't remember life being so loud. You shut your eyes and tried to block it all out.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Tony.

"You alright kid?" He asked making you look around uncomfortably.

"I don't remember things being so loud." You muttered softly as he looked at you sympathetically.

"Come on, let's go wait in the car. Steve can get the food." He said leading you outside.
You both got back inside the car and you sighed enjoying the silence you finally had.

"It's going to take a while to get used to all of this. A lot has changed in the world and for you." Tony said as you nodded softly.

"I don't know what's happening to me." You whispered looking down at your hands.

"Maybe you're feeling."


You had eaten the terribly oily food and you were now making your way up in the elevator in the tower.

"Does the team know about me?" You asked the two men as Steve looked down at you.

"They know that we're introducing someone new to the tower but they aren't sure who." He replied before the elevator doors opened. You saw a few people around the place, they all looked up.

"Everyone, this is Y/N." Tony said as they looked to you.
A long hair brunette walked over to you and smiled holding out his hand.

"I'm Bucky, nice to meet you." He said smiling at you as you shook his hand and nodded.

"You too." You muttered before walking past him and going out onto the balcony.

"So, what's the story with this one?" Bucky asked making Steve chuckle a little.

"Shield rescued her from a powerful demon guy. He basically tortured her into having no emotions, so she's kind of numb. But I also think she'll start to feel some things emotionally and it may scare her. This is a safe place for her though." Steve explained as Bucky nodded and looked out to you. He decided to go talk to you more.
He stood out on the balcony with you as you looked out onto the city.

"It's crazy seeing the city from so high up." You muttered making him smile softly.

"Yeah, it can be kinda scary too. I'm not a huge fan of heights." He said as you smiled a tiny bit, a real smile this time.

"It can be hard starting a new life. Do you miss where you used to live?" He asked as you looked up at him with a stoic face.

"Do you miss Hydra?" You asked making his eyes widened.

"How do you know about that?" He asked before you turned away and looked back out into the city.

"I can read minds, I didn't mean to pry. But there's no way to stop it when it's screaming inside of you." You said making Bucky question himself for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't have much experience with life and people." You whispered slowly turning around and looking up at him.

"Hey it's okay. We're all kind of used to this here, we've all come from rough pasts and had to restart out entire lives. You're going to be safe to grow here Y/N." Bucky said as you smiled again, for the first time you felt something.

(Okay I know this is short but I wanted to just write a chill one to ease back into this. I've had well a wild few months haha but hopefully I'll be updating again. I have heaps of ideas so I'd love to finish them and show y'all everyone of them! Hope everyone is well)

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