Mother's Touch

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"I don't know why I gotta do this shit." Bud grumbled as he got into the driver's seat of his truck. 

Kiera giggled, getting into the passenger seat, "Because you're getting older, daddy. Somebody has to make sure you're okay inside and out." 

"The only manhood I'll have left is my big toe after all of this is over." 

"Good lord, dad. You complain just as much as Frankie," Kiera sighed, buckling her seatbelt. "It's just a colonoscopy." 

"Least I'll be gettin' some good sleep." 

"Finally, you're seeing a positive outcome." She huffed, pulling her phone from her jacket pocket to send her mother a text message to remind her that the children usually woke up hungry around eleven as well as seeing a text message Simon had sent her:

Today, 7:34 AM

Simon: I'm not sure what time I'll be home this morning love. We got a call that involves a kid and we're taking him to the hospital to get checked out. Fucked up shite. I'll see you soon. I love you

Today, 8: 16 AM

Kiera: I figured you had to work overtime. I'm taking dad to the hospital for his routine colonoscopy. He's not a happy camper. Mom is watching the kids while I'm gone. I'll see you at home. I love you baby

Once at the hospital in town, Kiera was escorted by one of the nurses after her father was wheeled away towards the operating room, stopping once she had laid her eyes on Simon attending a small briefing with his team to conclude their operation. She grinned, squeezing his bicep as she walked by, knowing that he hadn't felt her presence until she had walked by, unaware that he had kept his eyes on her after she walked by, his breath hitching of impatience as he hoped the briefing would end soon so that he could talk to her, mentally noting that she had gone outside to get fresh air instead of being in the waiting room, the pair knowing that she deeply had permanent anxiousness when it came to hospitals. 

She sat on the bench outside, taking a deep breath before crossing her right leg over her left, waiting a few moments before hearing the door open, seeing Simon removing his balaclava and clutching it between his fingers as he took a seat next to her, his free hand cupping her knee. "Rough day at the office?" 

"Rough is an understatement, love," He scoffed. "Captain said if the man dies, then they'll try to charge the kid for first-degree murder." 

"Oh, shit. How old is he?" 

Simon shrugged, "Fifteen I think. Just a kid."

"And if they sentence him, he'll be serving the rest of his life in juvenile detention. Unless they rule it as self-defense."

"I know, but that's only if the judge rules it as self-defense and if his father lives through. For a teenager, he beat that bastard pretty bad." 

"Wow," Kiera sighed, wrapping her arm around his and leaning her head on his shoulder. "I hope it all works out for him." 

"It all happens for a reason," He huffed. "Want me to stay here with you until your father gets out?" 

"If you want to, babe," She smiled. "You know I'll never reject your company." 

"I was hoping you'd say that. You'd just have to drop me off at the station so I can get my car." 

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