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Kiera was the last to be released from the hospital while Price, Gaz and Soap enjoyed much-needed rest as well as tending to their wounds in the confines and comfort of the local hotel. Simon wheeled her to the lobby in a wheelchair after he had taken his belongings as well as hers to Laswell's car. She had been cleared to go home. 

After being wheeled out of the lobby, she toyed with the fleece blanket Simon had bought her from the local store that would keep her warm from the Chicago air. During her recovery, it was discovered that she had contracted a mild case of pneumonia due to breathing in the cold air during the traumatic event. Due to this, she had been directed to receive oxygen during her flight home and for the next couple of weeks afterward to ensure she could adjust to the elevation difference in Wyoming. 

Price and the rest of his team were cleared to go home as well, waiting to deploy home after receiving good news of Kiera's departure. Simon wheeled her to the passenger seat of the car, it being the most comfortable seat in the car as Laswell would be driving them to the airport. She clung to his shoulder as he eased her down into the seat, setting the oxygen tank between her knees as it continued to distribute oxygen into her nose. He reached over her, securing her to the seat, "Is that comfortable?" He whispered to her. 

She nodded, "As much as I'll ever be." 


He shut the door, leaving her inside for warmth as he turned to face Price who held a genuine grin on his bearded face. Simon furrowed his brows as he looked down at his hand, a slip of paper between his fingers. 

It was then that Simon realized that Price handed him a plane ticket to Cody, Wyoming. "Here, son." 

Simon shook his head, knowing he was going to go with her anyway, but the fact that Price had taken the time out of his healing process to buy a plane ticket for him was enough to show that the Captain had compassion for his Lieutenant. "You didn't have to, Ca-"

"I wanted to, Simon," He assured him, patting his shoulder. 

Simon nodded, letting the Captain pull him in for a comforting side hug. "Let's get you on your way home." 

Price knew - hell, Soap did as well as Laswell. They all knew as it was rather obvious that Simon was in love. Neither one saw it coming, never seeing him with a woman before, but it was bittersweet to see how compassionate he let himself get when it came to caring for her. 

From comrades to lovers, Soap sighed to himself as he was truly happy for him. Though I wish it was me.


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